[governance] IGF plus IGC + only members list.

CW Mail mail at christopherwilkinson.eu
Sun May 22 13:13:11 EDT 2011

+1 supporting JH.

In any event, the discussion on IGC and IGF issues is in practice  
conducted by a small number of committed and informed people.
It is beneficial that their and our discussion be conducted in public  
in a single forum.


On 22 May 2011, at 18:55, Jeanette Hofmann wrote:

> On 22.05.2011 17:52, Katitza Rodriguez wrote:
>> Can you elaborate your arguments, please?
> I don't want to encourage what I argued against to begin with,  
> another discussion about splitting the mailing list.
> This mailing list has proven to be flexible enough to fulfill  
> several functions, providing an open platform to discuss IG issues  
> across single stakeholder groups and simultaneously providing the  
> space to develop collective statements. It is actually amazing that  
> this mailing list with its highly diverse list of subscribers has  
> managed to survive for so many years without losing significant  
> shares of subscribers (which doesn't say much about its actual  
> readers though).
> A splitting of the list risks destroying this space without any  
> clear benefit. We don't have that many secrets to hide from other  
> stakeholder groups (at least that I would know of) that seem worth  
> taking such a chance. If there is a need for strategizing, small  
> groups can always form offlist, and have often formed for that matter.
> This mailing list is now 8 or 9 years old. It survived the end of  
> WSIS and it might even survive the demise of the IGF. Its asset is  
> its openness and its subscriber list. It would be sad if we  
> destroyed it in the name of narrow understanding of civil society.
> jeanette
>> On 5/22/11 5:49 PM, Jeanette Hofmann wrote:
>>> On 22.05.2011 17:17, parminder wrote:
>>>> On Sunday 22 May 2011 02:02 PM, Jeanette Hofmann wrote:
>>>>> Hi,
>>>>> we've had this discussion about different lists countless times
>>>>> before. Fortunately, I think, there was never a majority for  
>>>>> those who
>>>>> argued in favor of differentiating between IGF as an open
>>>>> multistakeholder platform and IGC as a civil society advocacy
>>>>> organization.
>>>> Jeanette,
>>>> I did not understand what would you mean by non-differentiating  
>>>> between
>>>> "IGF as an open multistakeholder platform and IGC as a civil  
>>>> society
>>>> advocacy organization". Are the two not very different kinds of
>>>> institutions?
>>> They share one mailing list and I would advise against changing  
>>> that.
>>> jeanette
>>>> And our charter clearly poses IGC as a civil society advocate
>>>> organisation. That is what we are supposed to be, if we are not  
>>>> very
>>>> ably that at the moment.
>>>> parminder
>>>>> It seems unlikely that a new discussion would lead to different
>>>>> results. Therefore, if possible, lets not indulge in this issue  
>>>>> again.
>>>>> My pragmatic suggestion would be to form informal and temporary
>>>>> subgroups for issues that need non-public coordination. The  
>>>>> membership
>>>>> in such subgroups would be hand-picked and thus intransparent.  
>>>>> Since
>>>>> statements on behalf of the IGC would still need voting, I don't  
>>>>> see a
>>>>> problem with that.
>>>>> jeanette
>>>>> On 22.05.2011 10:18, Izumi AIZU wrote:
>>>>>> As one of the co-coordinators, I would like to respond briefly  
>>>>>> to the
>>>>>> request
>>>>>> or suggestion Katitza made about the need for creating a new,  
>>>>>> CS-only
>>>>>> list.
>>>>>> As already indicated here, there are pros and cons for this.
>>>>>> If there is enough support to go for voting, then, yes, it will  
>>>>>> be the
>>>>>> coordinators responsibility to open for such voting.
>>>>>> I like to see how many are explicitly in favor of creating this  
>>>>>> new
>>>>>> list and
>>>>>> how many are not so, but before doing so, please express your
>>>>>> reactions
>>>>>> first on the current list.
>>>>>> izumi
>>>>>>> I also would like to call attention to the fact that this list  
>>>>>>> is
>>>>>>> open to
>>>>>>> other stakeholders including public authorities, government
>>>>>>> officials,
>>>>>>> technical community, and business sector representatives.  
>>>>>>> Therefore,
>>>>>>> members
>>>>>>> need to understand that MAG members have a very difficult task  
>>>>>>> to
>>>>>>> share
>>>>>>> strategies in a public list. Any public strategy that we can  
>>>>>>> share
>>>>>>> here, can
>>>>>>> always harm our collective efforts in spaces where disclosing  
>>>>>>> your
>>>>>>> strategy
>>>>>>> in advance is a big problem and can harm our work.
>>>>>>> I would like to ask the coordinators to create a list for IGC- 
>>>>>>> only
>>>>>>> members
>>>>>>> that is close to their members. In that way, civil society MAG
>>>>>>> members will
>>>>>>> be able to provide a better report after the meeting.
>>>>>>> All the best, Katitza
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