[governance] my humble proposal to add one para

Jeanette Hofmann jeanette at wzb.eu
Fri Mar 25 06:51:51 EDT 2011

Just as a reminder, the main session on critical internet resources in 
Vilnius did address this issue. We talked about Haiti and its 
repercussions for infrastructure recovery. Some civil society people - I 
won't mention names - regarded this issue on the agenda as an attempt to 
water down or sidestep the actual political issues.


On 25.03.2011 11:04, Anriette Esterhuysen wrote:
> What about using disasters, and how policy processes should respond to
> this, as one of the examples of 'policy questions' to be discussed at
> the IGF in the proposals on clearer outcomes? Then you can mention the
> specific recent disasters as examples.
> Anriette
> On 25/03/11 11:56, Izumi AIZU wrote:
>> I am not sure if this falls within the scope of CSTD WG, but I cannot
>> help propose to add something like the following words:
>> What do you guys think?
>> ---
>> In view of the tragedic earthquake in Haiti in 2010 and the recent earthquake
>> and Tsunami occurred in Japan, inter alia, the members of the Working Group
>> recommend that future IGF should address the role of Internet and its
>> governance
>> against natural and man-made disasters as one of the emerging issues, taking
>> account the paragraph 72 (g) emerging issues and paragraph 91 (on disaster
>> reduction, sustainable development and poverty eradication) of the Tunis
>> Agenda .
>> ---
>> izumi
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