[governance] IPv4 - IPv6 incompatiblity (was Re: Towards Singapore)

Carlos A. Afonso ca at cafonso.ca
Sat Jun 18 09:48:28 EDT 2011

Hmmm, if you mean the zero factorial (0!), it would be just one -- it 
will be far more than that :)


On 06/18/2011 07:31 AM, Avri Doria wrote:
> On 18 Jun 2011, at 18:23, Carlos A. Afonso wrote:
>> I on the other hand trust we *will* get rid of internal combustion engines, x generations from now. :)
> x generations as in !0 generations?
> I figure that same for IPv4.
> a.
>> --c.a.
>> On 06/18/2011 07:13 AM, Paul Wilson wrote:
>>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>>> and don't mix, and who ask if IPv6 users need to buy different services,
>>>>> different cables, different equipment, different email address, etc etc
>>>>> to stay online. It takes quite some explaining to undo that bundle of
>>>> [Milton L Mueller] well, not all of these are complete misconceptions.
>>>> Some new equipment does have to be purchased, esp by network operators.
>>>> No, the physical layer doesn't change. Some services may not work.
>>>> Equipment that runs dual stack won't have to be replaced.
>>> New equipment yes, but what I said was: not different equipment for the
>>> 2 different protocols.
>>> And whether services work or not is not a significant function of this
>>> supposed "compatibility" issue, there are plenty of other more important
>>> factors at play there. What I am trying to do Milton, is to get over one
>>> particular and specific point of irrelevance and confusion in this
>>> debate, not to address every other problem under this particular sun.
>>>>> I've promoted an analogy between the v4-v6 transition and the transition
>>>>> from oil to electricity in our transport system. And it works for this
>>>>> discussion as well: you don't try to plug your volkswagon beetle into
>>>>> the mains - because oil and electrons certainly don't mix - but that old
>>>>> car is still perfectly "compatible" with the latest electric one: it
>>>>> drives on the same roads, uses the same rules and the same controls; and
>>>>> carries the same passengers in the same way.
>>>> [Milton L Mueller] This analogy misses something important: the network
>>>> externality, or what some call network effects. An electric car gets me
>>>> from point A to point B regardless of how many others are driving
>>>> electric cars. My ability to use ipv6 to full effect and reap full
>>>> benefits, however, depends very much on how many other people are also
>>>> using ipv6. (there are some network effects in the fueling infrastructure
>>>> in the migration, but they are weaker and secondary compared to the v4-v6
>>>> migration.)
>>> Indeed it is an analogy, and therefore imperfect.
>>>> On the other hand the electric-gasoline analogy is a good one in that it
>>>> should be evident to everyone that we will _never_ completely get rid of
>>>> internal combustion vehicles.
>>> I have said myself that IPv4 addresses will be around for a long time,
>>> but "never" is much longer than any forecast that I've personally ever
>>> made. Eventually IPv4 will be irrelevant enough that it will be dropped
>>> from services with few people noticing. There will be a cost in
>>> maintaining IPv4 support on commercial services, so it actually will be
>>> withdrawn from entire networks, at a time when that decision makes
>>> commercial sense. And this will happen quickly, once a tipping point is
>>> reached (I mean within possibly 5 or 10 years).
>>>> [Milton L Mueller]
>>>> [Milton L Mueller] This is a good point. A clean break will have some
>>>> benefits - if we succeed in making it.
>>> Not just "some" benefits, but inestimable benefits, when you really
>>> consider the reality of ongoing exponential growth of the Internet, over
>>> decades to come.
>>> Paul.
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