[governance] Internet blackout in Egypt
dogwallah at gmail.com
Sat Jan 29 04:11:27 EST 2011
On Fri, Jan 28, 2011 at 8:35 PM, parminder <parminder at itforchange.net> wrote:
> McTim wrote: > This is why its madness to comtenplate giving govts MORE
> control over > things Internety. Rgds, McTim > McTim, Democracy is about
> democratic institutions, of which democratic governments are a basic
> component. You simply do not seem to believe in democratic institutions as
> against anarchy masquerading as democracy.
Your attempts to paint me as anti-democratic border on the ad hominem.
I simply believe in participatory democracy in re: the Internet as
opposed to the representative democracy you cling to.
And this argument extends to
> global democracy in terms of governing the essentially global phenomenon of
> the Internet.
While it is essentially global in that my host SHOULD be able to reach
your host, governance of the network is essentially local. I decide
who i connect to, where, how, etc. So do you. I re-assert that what
you would like to regulate is epiphenomenal.
The kind of arrangements that you seem to support, by design
> or default, just means that the 'Internety things' are controlled and
> exploited to their advantage by a few global corporates and a few
> governments of the richer countries.
Recent history shows that this is incorrect. Iran, Burma, North
Korea, all tightly restrict Internet access. Tunisia tried it and now
Egypt (a recent host of the IGF I may add which is quite ironic.
They just hide these controls well
> enough to mislead the more gullible.
Whereas you are a willing pawn of your government in re: the recent
IBSA position?
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