[governance] CSTD Q8- Inclusiveness and participation

Baudouin SCHOMBE b.schombe at gmail.com
Mon Jan 24 07:16:05 EST 2011


Overall, these are interesting proposals. To this, to make an impact
in the African
context, it would be desirable to involve the African Union, ECA and
the regional
and subregional organizations to positively influence policy makers
(government, parliament .....)


2011/1/24 Marilia Maciel <mariliamaciel at gmail.com>

>  * **Inclusiveness of the IGF process and of participation at the IGF
> meetings (in particular with regard to stakeholders from developing
> countries)*
> -          Capacity Building. Focus on institutional capacity
> (governments, civil society organizations, rather than on individual
> capacity)
> -          Outreach strategy. Include in the IGF processes groups that
> have not yet been included, from  civil society, small and medium sized
> companies, decision-makers and parliamentarians
> -          Roadmap to identify key-players in each region that need to be
> inclued
> -          Develop ways to understand the real barriers for participation
> -          Funding to developing countries (specially to developing
> country policy makers?), taking into account clear criteria (for instance,
> age, gender and whether a particular group works with the marginalize people
> we want to bring to the IGF process).
> -          Open opportunity to apply for funding. Transparency and timely
> decisions regarding the funding
> -          Remote attendance
> o   In all IGF meetings, MAG meetings and open consultations webcast,
> recording and captioning should be available, as well as options for remote
> participation
> o   Remote participation should be formally recognized as an integral part
> of the IGF. Resources to put in place remote participation should be
> provided
> o   Tools and techniques should be used to enhance remote participation,
> giving participants the opportunity to effectively influence agenda-setting
> and IGF debates. Remote participation in IGF process as a whole
> o   The participation of remote speakers should be encouraged
> --
> Centro de Tecnologia e Sociedade
> FGV Direito Rio
> Center for Technology and Society
> Getulio Vargas Foundation
> Rio de Janeiro - Brazil
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