[governance] cross-border IG issues

Roland Perry roland at internetpolicyagency.com
Sat Jan 22 05:51:36 EST 2011

In message <4D3AA246.2080207 at itforchange.net>, at 14:54:22 on Sat, 22 
Jan 2011, parminder <parminder at itforchange.net> writes

>The fact that all the above mega corporates, as well as ICANN itself,

I thought you were trying to avoid discussions which confuse governance 
of the infrastructure with governance of the content.

>are as you say are companies registered in the US is a huge IG issue. I 
>dont want my personal data to be accessed by anyone without my consent. 
>And if exceptional conditions of possible involvement in a crime etc 
>are involved I would have it handled only by a body/ authority  in 
>whose constitution I have a democratic role, which regrettably is not 
>the case with the US gov.

Then it is up to you (and those of a like mind) to "vote with your feet" 
and subscribe to websites run from different jurisdictions. And if you 
don't think they exist, it's not the Internet infrastructure that's 
preventing it.
Roland Perry
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