[governance] Results of consensus call on themes statement

Jeremy Malcolm jeremy at ciroap.org
Mon Feb 7 22:07:00 EST 2011

On Mon, 2011-02-07 at 11:24 +0200, Anriette Esterhuysen wrote:
> Hi Jeremy
> I would also like to support the statement. I notice that I am not
> listed as a member, which is probably why I did not get the call to
> support the statement.
> If not too late, please add my name.  And I am trying to register as a
> member.
> Others should also check the list of members.. there are many active
> members who are not there yet.
> http://www.igcaucus.org/node/12/

As it states, this is just a static list of the members as at 10 October
2010 who voted in the last coordinator elections, so this particular
document hasn't been updated since then and won't be.

However I am (as time permits) working on a membership list that will be
automatically generated from the membership database and will
immediately reflect those who have qualified for a "voter account".
This will address the concerns of those who are worried that their names
do not appear on the above list.

But, I need to clarify the purpose of a poll such as that which we just
had.  It is not a vote, so we do not need to record those who "voted"
for or against it.  Once a statement has been adopted by rough
consensus, it becomes a document of the caucus at large.  By the same
token, a "voter account" is needed to participate in such a poll.

A voter account is only used to select the new coordinator each year,
and during the year following that, the same voters may also vote on any
amendments to the Charter.

I hope that clarifies things - agreed that it is confusing, and if you
want to talk about how things can be improved, there is a (currently
small and inactive) charter review working group that you can join.

Dr Jeremy Malcolm
Project Coordinator
Consumers International
Kuala Lumpur Office for Asia-Pacific and the Middle East
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Tel: +60 3 7726 1599

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