[governance] IGF relevance?

Milton L Mueller mueller at syr.edu
Sat Apr 16 16:44:33 EDT 2011

From: governance at lists.cpsr.org [mailto:governance at lists.cpsr.org] On Behalf Of parminder

Bad news, because, as Lessig said,  'architecture is policy' and if the architecture is already made and well developed by default, there wont be much that policy can do long after. Hence the urgency in the matter from a developing country point of view.

[Milton L Mueller]

Lessig was wrong about that. If architecture were policy then the issue would be settled, the Internet's architecture was end-to-end and freedom was architected into it. Wrong, wrong, wrong.

A very important question to ask. Where does the coercive power to ensure public interest based compliance lie. It used to lie with the nation states but with globalization, global capital escapes these controls by playing one state against the other
[Milton L Mueller]

Hmm, is that why Google has been so effective at resisting China's censorship?
Is that why India's dumb attempt to spy on all Blackberry users didn't work? Oh, it did happen, didn't it?
I wish this so-called "global capital" were a bit more effective at escaping some of these controls.
And as for that term, global capital, please don't foist upon us the silly neo-Marxist mistake of collapsing all commercial enterprise into a single category with a single interest. The NN debate, just to use one of about 10,000 examples, is primarily a fight between service providers and carriers.

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