[governance] IMPORTANT: 10 members required to approve a

Jeremy Malcolm jeremy at ciroap.org
Sun Sep 26 01:39:34 EDT 2010

On 26/09/2010, at 12:48 PM, Mawaki Chango wrote:

> I'm not sure what you mean by "add" and by "bracketted text," Jeremy. Are you adding your two "Whenever possible" paragraphs to the language proposed by Avri, or are proposing them as the totality of the new language, or what? I'd appreciate if you could submit the entirety of the new language you're suggesting in one block of text, thanks.

Here is the entirity of the new language, with the new parts in brackets, and clauses not amended omitted.

1. Whenever possible a call for volunteers for a nominating committee (nomcom) will be posted 2 months before the scheduled selection of appeals team or selection of any other list of nominees needs to be decided.

[Whenever possible,] one month will be used to constitute the nomcom and determine the criteria for the selections they are to make, and one month will be used to discuss and decide on candidates

8. Each nomcom will be selected for a specific decision and will be disbanded after the decision is made.  [However, in special cases where several different nominating committees would need to be completed in a shortened time frame that did not allow for multiple nominating committees, the co-coordinators may jointly request one nominating committee to fill several functions.]

Jeremy Malcolm
Project Coordinator
Consumers International
Kuala Lumpur Office for Asia Pacific and the Middle East
Lot 5-1 Wisma WIM, 7 Jalan Abang Haji Openg, TTDI, 60000 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Tel: +60 3 7726 1599

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