[governance] Special opportunity to participate remotely in main session on SOP

Marilia Maciel mariliamaciel at gmail.com
Sun Sep 12 17:52:50 EDT 2010

The organizers and moderators of the main session about security, openness
and privacy (SOP) will pay special attention to the contributions from
remote participants. The remote moderator, Kieren McCarthy, suggested that
we create a questionnaire so remote participants can share their views about
the topics that will be covered by the SOP session, before the session takes

Kieren will make a compilation of the most interesting points that people
make to justify their choices on this multiple-choice questionnaire.  These
points will be taken into account by the moderators of the session, and will
feed into the conclusions of the SOP session.

This is a very innovative approach that reinforces the importance of the
contributions from remote participants and brings new voices to the debate.
Congratulations to the organizers for this great idea!

*If you are a remote participant, do not miss the chance to contribute to
the SOP session.* Answer this brief questionnaire (link below). I enclose
the question below for your information


IGF Security, Openess and Privacy

*1. Questionnaire*

*1. Does social media need special protections and support?*

[image: http://www.surveymonkey.com/i/t.gif]Does social media need special
protections and support?   Yes

[image: http://www.surveymonkey.com/i/t.gif]No

[image: http://www.surveymonkey.com/i/t.gif]Unsure

Please explain why you think that.

*2. What are the risks of using social media? Are individuals aware of the

What are the risks of using social media? Are individuals aware of the

*3. Are there characteristics of the Internet that we need to preserve? What
are they and why?*

Are there characteristics of the Internet that we need to preserve? What are
they and why?

*4. Are closed standards a threat to the Internet?*

[image: http://www.surveymonkey.com/i/t.gif]Are closed standards a threat to
the Internet?   Yes

[image: http://www.surveymonkey.com/i/t.gif]No

[image: http://www.surveymonkey.com/i/t.gif]Unsure

Please explain why you think that.

*5. What are the obstacles to international collaboration on Security
Openess and Privacy and what's the best way to overcome them?


What are the obstacles to international collaboration on Security Openess
and Privacy and what's the best way to overcome them?

*6. Do we need global security standards?*

[image: http://www.surveymonkey.com/i/t.gif]Do we need global security
standards?   Yes

[image: http://www.surveymonkey.com/i/t.gif]No

[image: http://www.surveymonkey.com/i/t.gif]Unsure

Please explain why you think that.

*7. Do we need global privacy standards?*

[image: http://www.surveymonkey.com/i/t.gif]Do we need global privacy
standards?   Yes

[image: http://www.surveymonkey.com/i/t.gif]No

[image: http://www.surveymonkey.com/i/t.gif]Unsure

Please explain why you think that.

*8. What was not sufficiently addressed during the SOP session? Please,
answer on the Webex chatroom, during the session, and the remote moderators
will collect all answers*

Centro de Tecnologia e Sociedade
FGV Direito Rio

Center for Technology and Society
Getulio Vargas Foundation
Rio de Janeiro - Brazil
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