[governance] Re: SECOND DRAFT statement on enhanced cooperation
dogwallah at gmail.com
Sat Nov 6 13:36:58 EDT 2010
Continued poverty in India or uneven income distribution in the USA
On Sat, Nov 6, 2010 at 5:03 PM, parminder <parminder at itforchange.net> wrote:
> McTim
> And if, in response to my cited figures about India, you may want to say
> that the real full impact of ICTs may be yet to come to India,
I don't know if I should respond to you anymore, since you seem to
want to tell me what i am about to say, even though it's miles off the
you may be
> interested in the statistics of the 'front yard' , the US, where the new
> innovation based 'ecosystems' you speak of have had the longest play.
Continued poverty in India or uneven income distribution in the USA is
not a revelation. It is undeniable however that ICTs have played a
large role in developing both economies.
I find your argument to be a red-herring, if you wish to address the
substance of my reply to you (I want less governmental interference in
Internet matters, while you seem to want more), then maybe we can have
further constructive discussion.
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