[governance] Our strategy, work plan and outreach

Roxana Goldstein goldstein.roxana at gmail.com
Mon Nov 1 05:23:16 EDT 2010

Dear all,

First, thanks Wolfgang for this starting information. I was really needing
some kind of map like this.

Now going to the point, thanks Izumi for your ideas, and I want to express
my disposition to contribute with this proposal, specially in the
enlargement of spanish-speaking (portuguese also) LAC representation within
this caucus.

If there are more LAC spanish/portuguese speaking members in this list, I
suggest as first step to create a sub-group and start thinking on how to
enlarge and improve our representation, participation and incidence in

Thanks and best,

2010/11/1 "Kleinwächter, Wolfgang" <
wolfgang.kleinwaechter at medienkomm.uni-halle.de>

> Hi
> I fully support the elaboration of a strategy paper "Internet Governance
> 2015: Priorities for Civil Society" (based on previous CS documents to avoid
> the reinvention of the wheel). It should have - inter alia - a brief
> historical chapter, an overvierw about main issues and institutions of
> todays policy environment  where the key issues are negotiated/discussed, a
> chapter with a list of challenges of tomorrow and a final statement with CS
> IG priorities, principles and objectives for the CS IG Agenda 2015.
> In an Annex we could have a timeline until 2015 which would list the main
> forthcoming events and also an ornagigram which gives on imagination about
> the various interconnected negotiations and discussions places and spaces.
> Furthermore it would make sense to produce a brochure with CS IG statements
> and position papers from 2020 to 2010 which would show the outside world our
> continous engagement in the issue. Such a publication would also help the
> next generation of CS IG leaders to understand where they are coming from
> and what still has to be done and is the let over from the agendas of the
> first decade of the 21st century. The publication could also include facts
> and figures about IGC itself (Charter, proceudures, names of actual and
> previous chairs etc.)
> Experience tell us further, that CS activities are always stimulated by
> global or regional events.
> Here is my very preliminary list of relevant events for CS-IG in 2011
> 2011:
> February: IGF/UNCSTD Consultations in Geneva
> March: ICANN Meeting in San Francisco
> May: WSIS Forum and IGF/UNCSTD Consultations in Geneva
> June: ICANN meeting in Asia
> September: IGF in Nairobi
> ICANN meeting in Africa
> November: UNGA in New York
> over the year: Regional IGFs in Africa, Asia, Europa and Latin America
> And here are some processes/institutions, which should be under
> observation:
> UN: Enhanced Cooperation and IGF Improvement
> ITU: Implementation of PP 10 / Preparation of the ITU World Conference on
> International Telecommunication 2012
> OECD: Implementaiton of ther Seoul Declaration fronm 2008 / Internet
> Economy / CISSAC
> European Commission: Implementation of the Digital Agenda 2020, including
> "Internet of Things" Task Froce
> Council of Europa: Proposal for a "Framework of Commitments for Cross
> Border Internet Governance"
> ACTA/WTO/WIPIO: Plans to finanlize the Draft of the ACTA Agreement, WIPOS
> Development Agenda and the Broadcasting Treaty
> 1st Committee UNGA: Ideas for a UN Treaty on Cybersecurity
> World Economic Forum (Davos) and Worl Social Forum (Porto Allegre)
> National legislation in key countries, in particular US, EU, Australia,
> Japan, BRIC etc.
> Regards
> Wolfgang
> ________________________________
> Von: Anriette Esterhuysen [mailto:anriette at apc.org]
> Gesendet: Mo 01.11.2010 09:05
> An: governance at lists.cpsr.org
> Betreff: Re: [governance] Our strategy, work plan and outreach
> Dear Izumi and all
> Like the others who have posted, Ginger, Tracy, Christopher, Hempal and
> Imran I think this is a good idea.
> I suggest we keep the use of working teams as light as possible.. being
> too ambitious could lead to disappointment.  The idea of a strategy is
> VERY good and it would be really helpful if it enables us to work on
> issues and policy forums beyond just the IGF such as for example ACTA
> and the ITU. Even if we cannot actively work in all these forums, it
> would be useful for us to understand what their implications are for
> internet governance that is inclusive of civil society participation and
> priorities.
> This also relates to last week's discussion on the 2003 CS charter. It
> does feel as if the last few years have been really 'busy' but in quite
> a fragmented way. A workplan could help us to identify a few broad goals
> that we can have consensus on, and then we can check back in a year's
> time on what progress / or lack of it there has been.
> I am sorry I cannot volunteer to help in a big way as I am barely coping
> with work at the moment, but I will do my best to participate and will
> certainly comment on documents.
> Regards
> Anriette
> On 31/10/10 16:33, Izumi AIZU wrote:
> > Dear list,
> >
> > After starting the role of co-coordinator, I have been thinking, and
> > also discussing
> > with Jeremy, about the "way forward" - or more specifically, working
> > method, modus operandi, of our caucus.
> >
> > Considering the many tasks ahead of us in relatively short time period, I
> think
> > we need good division of labor and effective working team(s).
> >
> > We don't want to become a workhorse ;-), rather we would like to
> > "coordinate", meaning to
> > facilitate moves and works of many members of the caucus. The more people
> > involved in the actual work, the better.
> >
> > For that, we like to suggest that our group to come up with the
> followings.
> >
> > a) Strategy - for coming months, in the context of IGF mandate
> > extension debate/negotiations around UN
> >
> > b) Work Plan - based on the strategy, we need to plan ahead on how to
> > work - to push our agenda - this may include forming Working Groups,
> > ad hoc teams, use some additional online tools etc.
> >
> > c) Outreach Plan/actions
> > One of the points we have discussed on the list was, if I may, the
> > relative lack of outreach of our group, with larger Civil Society
> > groups. Compared with WSIS days, we have less involvement from larger
> > clouds of CS. How to address this and move forward.
> >
> > We like to ask you to think about these points, come up with opinions,
> > suggestions and plans, and eventually, or quickly move to actions based
> on
> > [rough] consensus with bottom-up ways.
> >
> > We also like some of you to become active members, taking leading roles
> > for different items. Form working groups etc. To have wider division
> > of labor of our work.
> >
> > Of course, we are open to your suggestions and also welcome more
> volunteers!
> >
> > best,
> >
> > izumi
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> --
> ------------------------------------------------------
> anriette esterhuysen anriette at apc.org
> executive director
> association for progressive communications
> www.apc.org
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