[governance] ICANN declined Bulgarian IDN fast-track
Norbert Klein
nhklein at gmx.net
Fri May 28 22:23:42 EDT 2010
krum.jonev at dir.bg wrote:
> .бг is the most meaningful representation (was selected with a full
> consensus between all interested parties) - and the local Internet
> community doesn`t want to give it up without at least an "appeal
> attempt" from the government.
If this is not considered to be the most important argument - what is
then the relative weight of a COUNTRY as over against a special TEAM of
ICANN, deciding for the rest of the world what is confusing and what is not?
> Now we are trying to make the government communicate with ICANN and
> actually do something. That`s why I wanted to ask if we should appeal
> - maybe write to ICANN ombudsman, etc. However, there isn`t any formal
> appeal process for the decisions taken in the string evaluation part.
> Among the proposed other options are .бгр (first association is
> Belgrade, not Bulgaria), .бул (first association is "bull") and
> .българия (which is ridiculously long for a tld).
Who made these - confusing - suggestions? Surely not those who selected
.бг in a consensus of the interested and involved.
> There are more and more oppinions that any other IDN ccTLD string will
> "kill the idea", and even some people say that if we can not keep .бг,
> its better for Bulgaria not to have an IDN ccTLD at all.
Don't give up.
> Regards,
> Krum
Norbert KIein
(living in the Bulgarian Embassy in Cambodia)
If you want to know what is going on in Cambodia, please visit
The Mirror, a regular review of the Cambodian language press in English.
This is the latest weekly editorial of the Mirror:
“The Right to Know” and to Participate
Sunday, 23.5.2010
(to read it, click on the line above.)
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