[governance] REVISED Notes from Under-Secretary-General Sha's

Roland Perry roland at internetpolicyagency.com
Wed Mar 31 06:31:01 EDT 2010

In message <1270029058.3121.777.camel at anriette-laptop>, at 11:50:58 on 
Wed, 31 Mar 2010, Anriette Esterhuysen <anriette at apc.org> writes
>Who is plannning to attend, or participate remotely in the CSTD this
>APC plans to be there.

I will be there (as I was last year).

"In the morning of the second day, the Commission will hear and discuss 
the Report of the Secretary-General on WSIS follow-up, followed by the 
introduction and discussion of the report of the Secretary General on 
Enhanced Cooperation. In the afternoon, a discussion on the outcomes of 
the IGF meeting in Sharm El Sheikh will be held.


Roland Perry
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