[governance] Email Portability Approved by Knesset Committee

Sivasubramanian Muthusamy isolatedn at gmail.com
Wed Feb 24 03:45:17 EST 2010

Hello Tapani Tarvainen,

This discussion is very relevant for an ICANN working group examining domain
name post expiry issues.

While you suggest a Domain /subdomain-name for every ISP's
customers, independent owners of domain names land up in email continuity
issues, BECAUSE OF  their domain ownership, at times when they fail to renew
their domain names. When domain names are not renewed either due to choice
or because the user doesn't remember to do so, their email is discontinued
(in most cases) with no possible information to the user about what is
bounced or discarded.

If such creative solutions could exist for ISPs to offer email portability,
easier solutions could be thought of for the Registrars to offer a similar
solution to the Domain Registrants (at the time of expiry).

Sivasubramanian Muthusamy

On Wed, Feb 24, 2010 at 12:11 PM, Tapani Tarvainen <
tapani.tarvainen at effi.org> wrote:

> On Tue, Feb 23, 2010 at 10:34:43PM -0500, Milton L Mueller (
> mueller at syr.edu) wro
> > There is a very simple way to get a fully portable email address:
> > register a domain name. ;-)
> That is also a rather obvious solution for ISPs if this law passes:
> just register a new domain name for each customer.
> It costs little enough nowadays (dollar per month or so,
> and I'd bet someone like Tokelau would make them an even
> cheaper offer).
> Alternatively, just giving each customer their own subdomain
> with company suffix (user at user.company.example.com)
> would make redirection cheap: just adjust MX records.
> Or a number of ISPs might for a common company just for
> managing email addresses, by using a common 2nd level
> domain and give each user their own 3rd level domain
> and just manage MX records for them.
> > Legislatively granting end users a property right in a domain name
> > and user ID of an ISP they no longer pay
> Perhaps the idea is that email addresses should not be associated
> with ISPs and their domains at all, that is, effectively force them
> to register independent domains for their email customers.
> Of course it's consumers who end up paying for it, as always.
> But if sufficiently large number of them want it, it'll be
> cheaper if it's mandatory - at the expense of those who
> don't want it, of course.
> --
> Tapani Tarvainen
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