[governance] Wording to prevent a deadlock (re: Jeanette)

Katitza Rodriguez katitza at datos-personales.org
Sun Feb 7 15:48:17 EST 2010

This was a statement for civil society participants at the OECD  
Ministerial Meeting on the Future of the Internet Economy.
Signatures endorsing the statement are available here:

On Feb 7, 2010, at 3:42 PM, Katitza Rodriguez wrote:

> Greetings
> I am pleased to copy below the Civil Society Statement issues for  
> the OECD Ministerial Meeting on the Future of the Internet. This  
> statement makes clear that Civil Society Agenda is a Human Rights  
> Agenda (in reply to Yehuda).
> The original text is available here: http://csisac.org/seoul.php
> I have tweak the text a little to show that all those issues is  
> under the Human Rights Umbrella.
> The policy goals for the Future Internet should be considered within  
> the broader framework of protection of human rights, the promotion  
> of democratic institutions, access to information, and the provision  
> of affordable and non-discriminatory access to advanced  
> communication networks and services. Compliance with international  
> human rights standards and respect for the rule of law, as well as  
> effective human rights protection, must be the baseline for  
> assessing global information society policies. Economic growth  
> should be for the many and not the few. The Internet should be  
> available to all. We therefore call attention of all the stakeholder  
> to the following civil society priorities, and we make the following  
> recommendations:
> Freedom of expression. Freedom of expression is being violated  
> around the globe by state censorship and by more subtle measures  
> such as content filtering, privatized censorship and restrictions on  
> so-called “harmful content.”  We urge all stakeholder to defend  
> freedom of expression and to oppose mandated filtering, censorship  
> of Internet content, and criminalization of content that is  
> protected under international freedom of expression standards.
> Protection of Privacy and Transparency. We reaffirm our support for  
> the OECD Privacy Guidelines as a fundamental policy instrument  
> setting out minimal requirements for the transborder flow of  
> personal data. We call countries to adopt and enforce data  
> protection laws covering all sectors, both online and offline, and  
> to establish international data protection standards that are  
> legally enforceable. We further urge member states to ensure  
> fairness, transparency, and accountability for all data processing  
> for border security, identification, and decision-making concerning  
> individuals.
> Consumer Protection. Trust and confidence are critical to the  
> success of the Internet economy. The OECD should ensure that  
> consumer protection laws are properly enforced and cover digital  
> products to the same extent that other consumer goods and services  
> are covered. We recommend that the OECD adopt the policy proposals  
> on Empowering Consumers in Communications Services and in Mobile  
> Commerce as Council Recommendations, and that the OECD member  
> countries implement these recommendations. We support the OECD’s  
> efforts to facilitate cross- border enforcement of anti-spam laws  
> and to develop effective online dispute resolution mechanisms.
> Employment, Decent Work and Skills. We recommend that OECD Member  
> countries promote learning and training opportunities for workers  
> and address the technological and organizational change in the  
> workplace. We further urge the OECD to lower the carbon footprint of  
> the ICT industry and to promote compliance with core labor standards  
> and the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises.
> Promotion of Access to Knowledge.  countries should oppose  
> extensions of copyright terms and private ownership of essential  
> knowledge and cultural information that can be made available on the  
> Internet. We recommend to discuss the importance of copyright  
> exceptions for education, libraries and archives, the disability  
> community, and new innovative services.
> Internet Governance.  Internet governance structures should reflect  
> democratic values and be transparent and publicly accountable to  
> users. Global Internet policymaking should involve equal  
> participation of all people, countries, and stakeholders.
> Promotion of Open Standards and Net Neutrality. Standards-making  
> processes should be open and should encourage competition. This  
> promotes innovation and development. We support the procurement  
> policies that promote open standards, open data formats, and free  
> and open software. We further recommend Countries oppose  
> discrimination by network providers against particular applications,  
> devices, or content and preserve the Internet's role in fostering  
> innovation, economic growth, and democratic communication.
> Balanced Intellectual Property Policies. We urge t countries to  
> maintain a balanced framework for intellectual property protection  
> that is least intrusive to personal privacy, least restrictive for  
> the development of new technologies, and that promotes creativity,  
> innovation, and learning. Countries should oppose proposals that  
> would deny individuals access to all Internet services and  
> opportunities based on alleged copyright infringement. We are also  
> concerned about the secrecy of the "Anti-Counterfeiting Trade  
> Agreement" (ACTA) treaty process and the possibility of policies  
> that may limit legitimate business activity, the participative web,  
> and e-government service delivery.
> Support for Pluralistic Media.  The Internet is a universal platform  
> for innovation, growth, and the ability of people to express and  
> share their views. New forms of media and new applications are  
> emerging that challenge old paradigms and enable broader public  
> participation. At the same time, dominant Internet firms are moving  
> to consolidate their control over the Internet. It is vitally  
> important that countries develop a better understanding of the  
> challenge industry consolidations pose to the open Internet.
> Inclusive Digital Society. The Internet should be accessible to all.  
> Countries should ensure that all residents have the means to access  
> the Internet and should provide public Internet access, training and  
> support. Particular attention should be paid to rural, remote and  
> aboriginal populations, as well as the disability community.
> Cultural Diversity. We support the efforts of the members countries  
> to promote access to the full range of the world's cultures and to  
> ensure that the Internet economy reflects the true diversity of  
> language, art, science, and literature in our world. The deployment  
> of International Domain Names should be a priority.
> On Feb 7, 2010, at 3:04 PM, Yehuda Katz wrote:
>> IMO - Ginger has placed a last minute 'Bait-N-Switch' disguised for  
>> the HR
>> agenda.
>> It has no place in the OC-IGF meeting or IGF, the UNSG has pleanty  
>> of Agencys*
>> which handel Human Rights issues with plenty of Forum.
>> At best to my opinion the: Office of the United Nations High  
>> Commissioner for
>> Human Rights** is the proper place to seek venue of which Ginger  
>> et.al. is
>> seeking.
>> The IGF platform is not the proper venue for HR. The consquences of  
>> tableing
>> the HR agenda with the MAG (UNSG etc...) could result in the ITU  
>> receiving the
>> ballance of power in regards to the IGF. It is a risk that does not  
>> need to be
>> taken by the IGC.
>> Drop it.
>> -
>> *
>> http://www2.ohchr.org/english/issues/education/training/UN-inter-agency-links.htm
>> ** http://www2.ohchr.org/english/issues/education/training/UN-inter-agency.htm
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