[governance] Re: Final score in CSTD consultations ??

Katitza Rodriguez katitza at eff.org
Mon Dec 20 11:46:23 EST 2010

I might said that I did not that wikileaks was used as an example as I 
said previously in this list. It is not the right moment at least for 
those of us who are really concerned on what is going on right with 
wikileaks. (and despite the great speech of Lula on Wikileaks). I wonder 
if they will said the same if the cables were from the Brazilian 
Government (and not the US).

On 12/20/10 8:35 AM, Marilia Maciel wrote:
> Hi Rafik,
> Keeping IG out of governmental interference is not a new argument in 
> US gov. It dates back to Clinton´s administration with the 1997 
> directive that consagrates the private sector led and self-regulatory 
> regime aimed to maintain the status quo of US dominance. US advocacy 
> on the matter has always been ingenious and subrepticious, using 
> proxies, specially on the private sector. There is no novelty on the 
> news and frankly I don´t believe that the reason behind this 
> mobilization is concern over China and Iran´s intents nor love for 
> freedom of expression. The case Assange is a good example of the 
> double standards used when it comes to FoE
> Marília
> On Mon, Dec 20, 2010 at 1:58 PM, Rafik Dammak <rafik.dammak at gmail.com 
> <mailto:rafik.dammak at gmail.com>> wrote:
>     Hi Marilia,
>     2010/12/20 Marilia Maciel <mariliamaciel at gmail.com
>     <mailto:mariliamaciel at gmail.com>>
>         This piece of news confirms the idea that the debates about
>         enhanced cooperation and IGF improvement cannot be seen as
>         separate things. The hypocrisy in US gov position, for
>         instance, can only be made clear if we put both themes together.
>     hypocrisy? I can neither confirm nor deny, the mentioned
>     initiative is led by a congresswoman not by US government,  we can
>     easily find different opinions within a same country between
>     executive and legislative powers or even within the same
>     government (having .ministries conducting opposite policies)
>     for IGF there are some delegations which bring
>     both parliamentarians and government officials and that makes more
>     sense.
>     other article
>     http://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/news/2010/12/is-a-un-internet-takeover-looming-not-quite.ars
>     the issue is going mainstream (at least beyond the usual
>     channels), we need to be present and share IGC point of views>
>     Regards
>     Rafik
> -- 
> Centro de Tecnologia e Sociedade
> FGV Direito Rio
> Center for Technology and Society
> Getulio Vargas Foundation
> Rio de Janeiro - Brazil

Katitza Rodriguez
International Rights Director
Electronic Frontier Foundation
katitza at eff.org
katitza at datos-personales.org (personal email)

Please support EFF - Working to protect your digital rights and freedom of speech since 1990

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