[governance] Round III - 15 from non-gov stakeholders 5+5+5
Izumi AIZU
aizu at anr.org
Fri Dec 17 11:10:08 EST 2010
I will invite Tunisia
It was really a hard task.
Ask UK to read the text.
UK – proposal
Chapeau to Chair’s proposal
“The Chair of CSTD decides on an exceptional basis and without
prejudice to the rules and the procedure of the function of the
commission and the ECOSOC , to establish the Working Group which would
seek, compile and review inputs from all member states and on all of
the stakeholders on improvement of IGF - in open and inclusive manner
throughout the process, composed the following”
“Following stakeholders are invited by the Chair of CSTD to
participate in the CSTD Working Group on IGF improvement, in
accordance with the established rules of procedure of the ECOSOC and
the CSTD.
It would be 2 from Private Sector, 2 from Civil Society, 2 from IGOs
and 2 from International Organizations and also we - pursuant to CSTD
decision, it was agreed that maximum possible assistant are extended
to the participation of governments and civil society entities for
participation for balanced participation of the stakeholders in the
working group.”
While appreciating the proposal from UK and Tunisia, that cannot be
accepted - since we are establishing the WG which also not follow UN
rules on exceptional basis – we are not in a position on making
decision on exceptional case – we can make exception in CSTD or ECOSOC
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