[governance] Round III - 15 from non-gov stakeholders 5+5+5

Izumi AIZU aizu at anr.org
Fri Dec 17 10:25:43 EST 2010

[interesting proposal came from UK, Iran... in addition to Tunisia]

Most important is outcome.
The more we restrict, the outcome is also restricted.
In this case, Civil society and different modality – in Tunis agenda –
to have cross-cutting participation – everyone on equal footing.


On Egypt proposal (?)
22 and other stakeholders
reports – go refinement – then go to governmental approval
then goes to CSTD
I think it was interesting idea.

Closer to agreement – hopefully.
Urge people not to go back to interpretations of text.
My delegation had clearly understood – 100% copy and paste of text created WGIG.
Go forward with the solution we have now.
We are ready to join.
If that does not fly, then join Greece to consider proposal from Egypt

South Africa
Support proposal from Egypt

Tunisian proposal, interesting
Just quote ECOSOC text language –
Chair – to invite members  - not go into status, CSTD WG or not,
Chile comment – outcome is important
We should have consolidated MSH framework
If we fragment, we have the risk
Focused WG, language taking ECOSOC language as Chapeau

We can move on – to resolve this issue.
Not focus on some difference, but build on common grounds.
That’s how we can move, on the basis of some proposals.
I agree with what UK said, but with one addition – acceptable to all of us.
“in conformity of all the rules and regulations of ECOSOC, these
stakeholders are invited”
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