[governance] Re: governments first others later

Jeanette Hofmann jeanette at wzb.eu
Thu Dec 16 17:16:42 EST 2010

Hi Izumi, you UN/IGF/multi-stakeholder hero,

Am 16.12.2010 21:43, schrieb Izumi AIZU:
> Certain government members, mostly mission people here in Geneva
> are afraid of bringing civil society on equal footing to governments,
> and that is like a flu or pandemic, widely shared by them according
> to some people close to CSTD.

I don't find this very surprising. It has been my experience throughout
  WSIS and the years since that the multi-stakeholder approach does not 
well within and across organizations. Sympathy for this approach still 
remains a matter of personal experience. The government people who have 
participated in multi stakeholder events begin to accept it, but not to 
a degree that would it sort of rub off on others not yet involved. In a 
way, multistakeholderism hasn't yet become a political culture that 
would be somewhat independent of personal experience.


> Whether we like it or not, big "cultural" change or attitudes not to
> accept the change is there.
> izumi
> 2010/12/17 Izumi AIZU<iza at anr.org>:
>> Another regression
>> I was late to join the meeting this afternoon, and when I arrived
>> there, it was over.
>> Then I was told from the people inside the room, that it was announced that
>> for tomorrows consultation meeting, governments only meeting will start at 10 am
>> while all others have to wait until 11 am to enter the room.
>> What a decision - very dangerous, indeed. For those who have time now,
>> please send any message to CSTD direct. Unbelievable and unacceptable.
>> izumi
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