[governance] enhanced consultations - further inputs

parminder parminder at itforchange.net
Fri Dec 3 05:16:46 EST 2010

On Friday 03 December 2010 03:30 PM, Roland Perry wrote:
> In message <C91ECD16.14103%ian.peter at ianpeter.com>, at 16:36:38 on 
> Fri, 3 Dec 2010, Ian Peter <ian.peter at ianpeter.com> writes
>> Number one on my list here would be issues of transboundary 
>> jurisdiction. They are not handled well ? IGC has run workshops on 
>> this at the last few IGFs.
>> Further work needs to be done here.  I could list a few of the past 
>> anomalies but I think  most people here are aware of them. It?s a 
>> mess, and the country or a company resident in any country of the 
>> registrant, the registry, the registrar or the hosting organisation 
>> could all get involved in legal action against a site that offends 
>> the nation state of any of these.
>> The process to be pursued to sort this out starts with the adoption 
>> of some universal principles IMHO.
> Which is exactly what things like the CoE's Budapest Convention, or 
> several of the OECD's initiatives are all about.
> But they don't get much approval from folks around here, from what I 
> can see.

Dear Roland,

At least I have mentioned it several times why it doesnt meet my 
approval (and that of most developing country actors) . Let me say it 
again - I and my country are not represented in CoE/ OECD initiatives. 
Do you think this is not a good enough reason? Does democracy and global 
democracy count for anything?

On the other hand, the question I have asked so many times, that why 
should not initiatives similar to those that you mention, but where all 
countries are represented, 'get much approval from folks around here' 
remains unanswered. Can you try an answer to it.

This is exactly what is sought in IT for Change's submission for 
consultations on enhanced cooperation.



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