[governance] Gender DC support for IGC statement on rights

Fouad Bajwa fouadbajwa at gmail.com
Tue Sep 15 10:22:40 EDT 2009

Dear Anja and Lisa,

I think that the IGC statement of rights is by default in support of
the various Civil Society roles and objectives by default including
human rights in general and with respect to Internet, gender, youth,
child safety issues, development etc. I also feel since the IGC is a
collective voice of the Civil Society and continues to be open to
participation and is fully inclusive, this can be acceptable in both
concretely and in its spirit. There might not be a need to segment or
break down the combined foundation blocks to specific issues and
rights supporting objectives.

I believe the IGC and the members that contributed with your kind self
to the statement have by default included this realization and
continued understanding and these are the foundation of our Civil
Society efforts and have been extended to the IGF secretariat thereof.

On Tue, Sep 15, 2009 at 9:47 AM, anja <anja at cis-india.org> wrote:
> Dear all,
> I'm happy to let you know that the Gender DC has agreed to support the IGC
> statement on rights, even though the group felt it was problematic that
> such a long statement on rights did not contain any references to women's
> rights.
> As was pointed out during the discussion within the group, "the Gender DC
> sees women's human rights as central to the IG discourse and states have a
> special duty to address women's exclusion and their rights in relation to
> the Internet and freedom of expression, privacy, civic participation,
> education and development, respectively".
> In recognition of the importance of civil society interventions on rights,
> the DC decided to endorse the IGC statement as it stands anyways, but also
> expressed the hope that the above mentioned concerns will receive explicit
> attention in future statements.
> Best wishes,
> Anja
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Fouad Bajwa
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