[governance] FW: [IRP] Please provide your input on the impact of the IGF

Eric Dierker cogitoergosum at sbcglobal.net
Tue Sep 15 02:01:51 EDT 2009

What do you mean by this paragraph. Are you stating that a "suitable" cadre is a positive impact?
--- On Tue, 9/15/09, Michael Gurstein gurstein at gmail.com> wrote:

Rather the significance of the IGF should be seen in terms of how it has directly and indirectly contributed to the creation of a basis for concensus, a language for discussion, a (suitable) cadre of informed people to carry on the discussion (it is here where I have my issues with the current IGF but I won't go into those further at this point), the provision of a venue for the undertaking of the discussions and so on and so on.  None of this is particularly "national" (in fact little of it is likely to be national which is the point I think of transnational agencies) and little of it is likely to be visible as concrete "impacts" (or even outputs--which is what is currently being discussed in the form of possible IGF "recommendations" etc.). So a quest for identification/assessment/determination of "impacts" is really beside the point.

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