[governance] Request for extending comments on IGF review

Willie Currie wcurrie at apc.org
Mon Nov 16 00:20:21 EST 2009

Hi all

We learned during the IGC meeting on Saturday that the number of 
speakers at the Stocktaking session would be limited and that 
governments would have precedence. Other stakeholders were asked to 
cluster their inputs. At the MAG meeting on Saturday, it was made clear 
that the UN secretariat would be running the session and would not take 
comments after the session. Written comments can be made up to the session.

Because of these limitations I propose that we should make a request for 
an additional three week comment period in the IGC statement to the 
Stocktaking session. It's unclear if APC will be able to speak, but if 
we can, we will make a similar request. We should also encourage other 
academic and CS speakers to do the same. I understand ICC Basis will 
also include a similar request.

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