[governance] Some concerns with recent comments concerning

Yehuda Katz yehudakatz at mailinator.com
Wed Jun 10 22:59:51 EDT 2009


I appreciate your being upset with Joe, he ran his mouth off, ok. 
Enemy or not, our numbers are pretty-thin on this list and we'd like it to stay
a free speech zone, although we have had to censor Jeff.

I had several exchanges with Chris back in the IDNO days, around the time Icann
was holding his family's investment of 50 grand. 

Vint was at the helm (officially & un-officially) and mostly concerned with the
MoU, and as I recall Ester (Ms.AT&T) was on some panel(?) as well as the
Verisign Rep (I forgot their name). 

Anyway thing are today as they were then, the reason Icann couldn't get off the
dime on TDL's was AT&T (Ester) and Verisign had the notion of cornering the
market share of the DNS, and AT&T had the blessing of the Commerce Committee.
So you guys suffered as things played out, then they (Icann) screwed you out of
time* & money.

Things are the same today, the Oversite Committee extended the JPA at the
bequest of the Telecoms (i.e.: AT&T) that happened last week. Big Brother's
AT&T is very lethargic when it comes to advancing things, very GM I might add.
(Ret.: How many of you have AT&T fiber-optic broadband ?)

Honestly I don't thinks there's much fight left in/for the DNS. With IDNs and a
world of .semantics, consumer protection (rights) is where we'll need to


(*timing of your product launch, marketvalue of TDLs then, was more than today)

See: Most firms unaware of Web domain changes 
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