[governance] illegal file sharing declines in UK among teens

David Goldstein goldstein_david at yahoo.com.au
Tue Jul 14 09:48:48 EDT 2009

There have been some reports (predominately) in the UK press that show illegal file sharing among teenagers in the UK is on the decline. Following a discussion on this list a while ago blaming all the ills on the music industry and there was no hope, I guess one can only conclude that the old fogeys on this list don't understand what teenagers are doing.

Reports in the press on the survey are available from:

Assuming this survey is not a one-off and the trend continues, it shows what many believe - that give people credible alternatives and many will take up the legal file sharing option.



David Goldstein

email: goldstein_david at yahoo.com.au
web:   http://davidgoldstein.tel/

phone: +61 418 228 605 - mobile; +61 2 9665 5773 - office/home
mail:  4/3 Abbott Street

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