[governance] Reminder - 2009 IGC MAG Nominations
Derrick L. Cogburn
dcogburn at syr.edu
Fri Jan 23 09:12:25 EST 2009
Dear Colleagues,
As a reminder, the Internet Governance Caucus (IGC) is now accepting
nominations - including self-nominations - for our recommendations
for civil society members of the Internet
Governance Forum (IGF) Multistakeholder Advisory Group (MAG). To
promote transparency, a list of nominations received to date is now
available on the IGC portal (http://www.igcaucus.org/mag-
nominations). This list will be updated as additional nominations are
In making nominations, please keep in mind the following:
* If nominating someone other than yourself, please obtain that
person's consent to be on the MAG if selected, and to seek IGC's
endorsement for their candidature.
* Each nomination should include a brief biographical statement
(required to submit the nomination). This bio should describe clearly
the activities and/or positions taken by the person in the Internet
Governance and broader Information Society arena. The person should
be informed that these details may be published by IGC even if the
nomination is unsuccessful.
* Also, please include a brief description of why the nominated
person would be a good civil society and IGC representative on the
MAG. The description should also include considerations of the degree
to which the nominee can invest the time and energy to give the civil
society issues the attention they need to stay at the forefront of the
MAG and IGF work.
* For those nominees who are already on the MAG, their
descriptions should also briefly mention how they carried out their
responsibilities in the last term(s), in advocating and pushing the
IGC and broader civil society positions. Their level and manner of
engagement with the IGC, and the broader civil society constituencies,
may also be mentioned.
Nominations should also include an assurance that if selected for the
MAG, the nominee will keep up a strong engagement with civil society
consituencies, including and especiay the IGC. They will endeavor to
keep civil society constituencies and the IGC informed about the MAG
proceedings and related matters, as well as present and advocate for
their positions within the MAG.
All nominations must be submitted no later than midnight UTC on
Monday, 26 January 2009.
We have designed a webform to collect nominations. To begin the
nomination process, please click on the link below:
If you have any problems submitting your nomination, please do not
hesitate to contact me (dcogburn at syr.edu).
Kindest regards,
2009 IGC MAG Nominating Committee
Derrick L. Cogburn (Chair)
Javier Pinzón
Siranush Vardanyan
Stuart Hamilton
Rudi Vansnick
Renate Bloem
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