AW: [governance] AW: [tt-group] FW: GAID
"Kleinwächter, Wolfgang"
wolfgang.kleinwaechter at
Mon Dec 28 11:20:08 EST 2009
Be careful in mixing IGF/MAG and ICT4D/GAID. This are two different shoes walking in different directions. ICT4D/GAID can learn something from IGF/MAG and we can the positive IGF/MAG experiences as a source of inspiration for the reform of ICT4D/GAID towards multistakeholderism. But do not try to put the two processes under one umbrella. This seems risky even if some groups think this is a good idea.
Von: Carlos A. Afonso [mailto:ca at]
Gesendet: Mo 28.12.2009 14:13
An: governance at; Jean-Louis FULLSACK
Cc: Vanda UOL; Kleinwächter, Wolfgang; 'Tim Unwin'; 'George Sadowsky'; 'Michael Gurstein'; tt-group at
Betreff: Re: [governance] AW: [tt-group] FW: GAID
One of the hurdles of building this "G12" (for one, it should probably
be called "GXY" for now) is the regional distribution in representation.
I think it raises a lot of problems bundling together Mexico with the
USA in the "North America" representation -- and where do you fit the
Caribbean? So each region has its particularities and this group, if it
really is to go ahead, needs a lot of careful debate to arrive at
something which is not "defective by design" or just worthless. I think
Reding needs to mingle a bit more with the people in the different
regions before suggesting structures like this.
Also, not sure if including Icann would not require including other
international entities closely related to one or more central items of
IG, which I think are at least as relevant as Icann's.
Jean-Louis FULLSACK wrote:
> Just a gag : why not consider the "G12" proposed by Mrs Reding in May ?
> You don't rermember that ? Here it is summarized :
> Create a "G12 for in Internet governance" which should be convened three
> times a year
> Composition :
> The president of ICANN
> 2 represntatives of Europe
> 2 represntatives of Africa
> 2 representatives of North America
> 2 representatives of South America
> 3 representatives of Asia and Pacific region
> This "G12" should debat on general orientations for the Internet and
> should -when necessary (sic)- formulate recommendations agreed on by the
> majority of its members to the attention of ICANN.
> End of the proposal.
> Isn't it a marvelous team ? Mrs Reding was unfortunately replaced as the
> ICT-IS Commissioner in Barroso 2 Commission. What a pity ! Will her
> successor, Mrs Kroes, be as prolofic for such folkloric suggestions ?
> BTW : Multistaholderism is likely to be ignored by the EC ...
> Best
> Jean-Louis Fullsack
> > Message du 27/12/09 14:48
> > De : "Vanda UOL"
> > A : governance at, "'"Kleinwächter, Wolfgang"'" ,
> "'Tim Unwin'" , "'George Sadowsky'" , "'Michael Gurstein'" ,
> tt-group at
> > Copie à :
> > Objet : RE: [governance] AW: [tt-group] FW: GAID
> >
> >
> Hi Wolfgang,
> Hope too much snow haven't compromise your Christmas time! Around
> here very hot! And no real results from Denmark meeting!
> I do believe we need to work to "multistakeholderised" the WISIS
> forum. For me this is high priority!. Mag could take a lead to
> organize this, I agree. 2010 we might have an appropriate "half
> time" document to mark the effort already done and the goals to
> achieve till 2015.
> Great 2010 for all of you!
> Best
> */Vanda Scartezini/**//*
> */Polo Consultores Associados/*
> */Alameda Santos 1470 #1407/*
> */Tel - +55.11.3266.6253/*
> */Mob- +55.11.8181.1464/*
> */vanda at <mailto:vanda at>/*
> -----Original Message-----
> > From: "Kleinwächter, Wolfgang"
> [mailto:wolfgang.kleinwaechter at]
> > Sent: Wednesday, December 23, 2009 7:54 AM
> > To: Tim Unwin; George Sadowsky; Michael Gurstein;
> tt-group at
> > Cc: governance at
> > Subject: [governance] AW: [tt-group] FW: GAID
> Dear list
> one opportunity to have a more strategic brainstorming around a
> reasonable Follow up of GAID could be the IGF consultations in
> February in Geneva. I propose to have on Wednesday, February, 10,
> 2010, over lunch (1315 - 1500) a meeting of people present in
> Geneva. We had a similar meeting last year (in the ITU Montbrillant
> Building) where we identified an "identity crisis of GAID" with no
> consequences after the meeting. The meeting was chaired by Bill and
> Sarbulan was online from NY.
> Any proposal?
> BTW I could imagine to move the "WSIS Forum", which is emerging from
> the annual meetings of the Actions Lines, into something which could
> absorb previous UNICTTF/GAID activities. My impression is that so
> far the "WSIS Forum" is mainly in the hand of the ITU and other
> IGOs, having the lead position in the Action Lines. The WSIS Forum
> could be further "multistakeholderised" and the responsibility to
> organoze the meeting - convened by the UN/ITU/UNESCO/FAO/ILO - could
> go to a MAG like group. Do not forget that 2010 makrs half way
> towards 2015m the dateline for the Geneva and Tunis Commitments.
> Wolfgang
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