[governance] Co-coordinator Election Results

Hakikur Rahman email at hakik.org
Sat Dec 19 21:04:55 EST 2009

Congratulations to Jeremy. Thanks also to Ian and for his outstanding 
co-coordinatorship, if I may say!

A Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all.

Best regards,

At 22:53 19-12-2009, Ginger Paque wrote:
>Hi everyone,
>As our voting coordinator, Derrick Cogburn, is traveling, I am happy 
>to announce the results of the IGC co-coordinator election for the 
>co-coordinator to replace outgoing co-coordinator Ian Peter.
>The results are as follows, and shown in Derrick's attached graph. 
>For the record and future reference, we are investigating further a 
>small number of cases where the same IP address was used more than 
>once in voting. However, there could be legitimate reasons for that 
>(i.e. the same computer used by several colleagues). In any case, if 
>there are irregularities these would only affect the final vote 
>numbers for individual candidates, but not the final result of the election.
>Voters who accepted the IGC charter, and participated in the 
>process: 138 members.
>Total Votes Cast for Co-coordinator: 131
>Jeremy Malcolm     45
>Tim McGinnis         36
>Fouad Bajwa          34
>Rafik Dammak        11
>None of the Above    5
>Total Votes Cast    131
>Congratulations and great appreciation to all four candidates. I 
>appreciate your willingness to run and to serve.
>I look forward to working with Jeremy--I'm sure we will have a 
>productive year!
>Special thanks to Derrick for once again undertaking this complex 
>task at a very busy time of year.
>Best wishes for the Winter/Summer holidays,
>Ginger Paque
>IGC Co-coordinator
>in collaboration with outgoing co-coordinator Ian Peter:
>Dr. Derrick L. Cogburn
>Associate Professor of International Relations
>International Communication Program
>School of International Service
>American University
>212 McCabe
>Washington, DC 20016-8071
>Director, Center for Research on Collaboratories and
>Technology Enhanced Learning Communities (Cotelco)
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