[governance] ICANNs Strategic Plan 2010 - 2013

Mohammad Ziaul Ahsan ziaul75 at yahoo.com
Fri Dec 4 09:03:05 EST 2009

From: Jean-Louis FULLSACK <jlfullsack at orange.fr>
To: governance at lists.cpsr.org; KleinwächterWolfgang <wolfgang.kleinwaechter at medienkomm.uni-halle.de>
Sent: Fri, December 4, 2009 7:43:06 PM
Subject: re: [governance] ICANNs Strategic Plan 2010 - 2013

Thanks Wolfgang

but I couldn't open the link to the strategic plan.

Concerning ICANN's "successful participation" to the ITU Plenipo there are imho only two possibilities 
- the ICANN is a sector member of the ITU
- ICANN is officially invited by the ITU (SG and/or Council) 
Let's wait for further information and  more precise reasons on the meaning of this probably "non event" 

Jean-Louis Fullsack 

> Message du 03/12/09 22:53
>> De : ""Kleinwächter, Wolfgang"" 
>> A : governance at lists.cpsr.org
>> Copie à : 
>> Objet : [governance] ICANNs Strategic Plan 2010 - 2013
>> I would recommend that the IGC writes a comment on ICANNs Strategic Plan 2010 - 2013. 
>> http://www.icann.org/en/strategic-plan/strategic-plan-2010-2013-01dec09-en.pdf
>> BTW, under "Contribute to a healthy Internet Eco-System" ICANNs plan is, inter alia, "successful participation in the 2010 ITU Plenipotentiary Conference". Good point, but what does it mean? :-))))
>> wolfgang
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