[governance] Ziitrain on Facebook
Carlos Afonso
ca at rits.org.br
Thu Apr 30 10:20:15 EDT 2009
Fine, but let us remind ourselves that it is *not* a country ;)
Bertrand de La Chapelle wrote:
> Thanks Wolfgang for pointing us to this article.
> As a matter of fact, the US representative in the recent ITU World Telecom
> Policy Forum in Lisbon has used himself the analogy that Jonathan raises by
> saying explicitly : "if Facebook were a country, it would be the fifth
> largest". If Facebook is really 200 million registered users, it has indeed
> passed Brazil in the list of countries ranked by population. (see :
> http://www.census.gov/cgi-bin/ipc/idbrank.pl)
> Jonathan's points make sense and I have raised them in the IGF, in
> particular in Hyderabad, to highlight the fact that such companies "terms of
> service" are not traditional terms of service but become the law of the
> space for most users.
> The two questions that this brings are :
> - *What is the governance of such social networks* : the processes by which
> such terms of service are "elaborated and applied" (cf. the definition of
> Internet Governance), as they represent "principles, norms, decision-making
> procedures and programs" - and in this respect, Facebook is clearly taking
> unprecedented initiatives
> - *What relation with the web of national laws* : the articulation between
> those "company governance regimes" and the various national laws and legal
> jurisdictions that should apply.
> The Internet has evolved form the physical IP-based network used mostly for
> email and file transfer into the http/html-based World Wide Web used to
> access information. It is clearly reaching a third stage with social
> networking applications, creating a sort of SocioNet, that is looking for
> its appropriate governance protocols.
> This is the reason why, on behalf of the Dynamic Coalition on Internet
> Rights and Principles, I have suggested a workshop theme for the next IGF,
> under the title : "The Governance of Social Media", precisely to address
> this type of issues. I hope it will be retained.
> Best
> Bertrand
> 2009/4/29 "Kleinwächter, Wolfgang" <
> wolfgang.kleinwaechter at medienkomm.uni-halle.de>
>> http://www.opendemocracy.net/node/47778/pdf
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