[governance] Call for Nominations for IGC Co-coordinator

Ian Peter ian.peter at ianpeter.com
Mon Nov 10 19:16:17 EST 2008

This is a call for nominations for a Co-coordinator of the Internet
Governance Caucus to replace Parminder, whose term expires at the end of the
Hyderabad meeting. An election will be held as soon as is practical after
the end of this years IGF meeting.


Either self nominations or third party nominations are perfectly acceptable
and should be sent to me by private email (ian.peter at ianpeter.com). If
nominating another person, however, I would ask that you check with them as
to their willingness to take this on. I will acknowledge nominations
received by return email. 


I will periodically announce nominations that have been received.
Nominations will close December 7 when I will release a final list of
nominations with short biographical details. An election will then be held.


Please give serious thought to this. The Co-cordinator position is for a two
year term. This will be an important period for us as it will lead us to the
end of the fifth (and perhaps final) IGF meeting. The first and most
important duty of the coordinator(s) is to facilitate the discussions and
enable the members of the caucus to reach consensus whenever possible.


This is an election, therefore anyone IGC member who feels able to do this
should feel free to nominate, and each of us will have our own criteria for
the ideal candidate. I should say that in my mind an ideal candidate will be
someone who is already involved with IGC, IGF and its processes, is able to
fund their participation in IGF meetings, has good people skills and
consensus seeking skills, lots of energy, and a small amount of time to
devote to this each week.


Please feel free to contact me if you need further information. I welcome
all nominations and look forward to receiving them. 



Ian Peter ( ongoing Co-coordinator)






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