[governance] NOMCOM - MAG nominations

Carlos Afonso ca at rits.org.br
Sun Mar 30 14:38:00 EDT 2008

Parm, as said in an earlier msg, the LA&C caucus will send its list to 
the NomCom as soon as we finish our online voting and go through a 
reasonable period of a few days for comments, appeals etc.


Parminder wrote:
> Hi All
> Please submit nominations - including self-nominations - for choosing IGC
> recommendations for the MAG. The recommended persons may or may not be IGC
> members. However, they should have a civil society identity, and broadly be
> in alignment with positions given in our charter, and as adopted by the
> caucus at different times. 
> 1.	In nominating someone else please obtain the person's consent to be
> on the MAG if selected, and to seek IGC's endorsement for her candidature. 
> 2.	Each nomination should come with a brief bio. It should mention with
> some clarity the activities and/ or positions taken by the person in the IG
> and information society arena.
> 3.	Please also include a brief write up of why the nominated person
> will be a good CS/ IGC representative on the MAG.  
> 4.	Those who are already on the MAG may also briefly mention about how
> they carried out their responsibilities in the last two terms, in advocating
> and pushing the wider CS positions, and IGC's positions. Their level and
> manner of engagement with the IGC, and the wider CS constituencies, may also
> be mentioned. 
> Nominations should also include an assurance that if selected for the MAG
> one will keep up a strong engagement with CS constituencies, including and
> especially the IGC. One will both keep CS constituencies and the IGC
> informed about the MAG proceedings and related matters, as well as present/
> push their positions in the MAG. 
> The above is abstracted from some discussions that took place on this list a
> few days back. Any comments on these may be given by tomorrow, before the
> nominations begin to be accepted. 
> Parminder 

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