[governance] NOMCOM - MAG
parminder at itforchange.net
Thu Mar 27 06:01:03 EDT 2008
Yes, Michael, I did read about the organization and also saw that it is
registered as civil society organization in the WSIS process. While Rudi
could simple have said, 'I too volunteer', and I would have accepted it, the
fact that he said he is volunteering form the "Indonesian private sector'
does leave me with a problem.
IGC membership rules are at present very loosely interpreted, (and we in any
case need to do something about it, as I pointed out in an email a few days
back) but the one rule which does seem to apply - as mentioned in the
charter in the voting section, and on the ballot for voting the lat time we
voted - is of self declaration as belonging to civil society.
Now, Rudi's self declaration violates precisely that rule - which is the one
that seems at present to be the only applied with any seriousness. In
capacity of co-coordinator, who is the custodian of the charter and IGC
processes, it is my duty to seek clarification on this matter.
An example to explain this position will be someone coming on to volunteer,
declaring that he volunteers from xyz government. I would refuse his offer,
and seek clarification. I was only doing what I understand is an
organizational duty.
PS: Since the volunteers list has to be published today, I will keep Rudi
provisionally on the volunteers list, which will be subject to random
selection process. I will again seek self declaration if he does get to be
on the first 5 list.
From: Michael Gurstein [mailto:gurstein at gmail.com]
Sent: Wednesday, March 26, 2008 7:23 AM
To: governance at lists.cpsr.org; 'Parminder'
Subject: RE: [governance] NOMCOM - MAG
Based on what Rudi has said below and what I understand about the role of
Warnets in Indonesia (a rather unique hybrid of a cybercafe and a
telecentre) I would guess that both he and his association would qualify as
CS (they operate as revenue based community micro-enteprises...
-----Original Message-----
From: Parminder [mailto:parminder at itforchange.net]
Sent: March 25, 2008 6:22 AM
To: governance at lists.cpsr.org
Subject: [governance] NOMCOM - MAG
Thanks a lot, Rudi. We do need more people to volunteer, and especially from
different parts of the world, which may currently be under-represented.
However, I am not clear about your self-declaration which mentions both
private sector and NGO.
To be a full member of the IGC one has to self-declare oneself as a civil
society person. Such full membership is necessary to hold caucus
appointments, like being on the nomcom. And as understood by us, civil
society stands in some kind of a distinction vis a vis governments and
governance institutions on one hand, and private / business sector on the
other. This distinction for us is most valid from the point of view of the
principal political identity and representation a person brings in vis a vis
IG policies and advocacy, the arena of activity of this caucus.
So responding to way you have proposed your volunteer-ship as 'from
Indonesia private sector' I must seek this clarification from you whether
you affirm yourself to be civil society person, and representing public
interest, and not private and/or business interests, individually or in
aggregation, in terms of your engagement with IG issues.
I am sorry if this appears a bit complicated, and I am happy to give any
clarification on this list, or offlist, i.e. in response to an email send to
my id alone.
Thanks and Regards
From: rusdiah at rad.net.id [mailto:rusdiah at rad.net.id]
Sent: Saturday, March 22, 2008 12:00 PM
To: governance at lists.cpsr.org; karen banks
Cc: governance at lists.cpsr.org; Rudi Vansnick
Subject: Rudi Rusdiah - APW - Indonesia [governance] NOMCOM - MAG
I am willing to volunteer from Indonesia Private Sector (NGO) :
Rudi Rusdiah
Association of Community Internet Center - APWKomitel (Asosiasi Pengusaha
( http://www.apwkomitel.org , community mailing list:
apwkomitel at yahoogroups.com (3,000 members) )
Jakarta , Indonesia
GSM: +6281 677 4203
Fax: +6221 7507545
> hi
> as per email parminder, i'm available for nomcom
> karen
> At 01:25 20/03/2008, Rudi Vansnick wrote:
>>I'm willing to serve in the nomcom.
>>Rudi Vansnick
>>President - CEO Internet Society Belgium vzw
>>Board member ISOC-ECC Barcelona-Spain
>>EURALO board member
>>/Dendermondesteenweg 143 - B-9070 Destelbergen
>>GSM: +32 (0)475 28 16 32
>>Tel: +32 (0)70 77 39 39/
>>Parminder schreef:
>>>Hi All
>>>I request urgent submission of names by those ready to volunteer
>>>for the noncom. We need 25 names to do a random selection of 5, and
>>>we have till now only a couple. Pl do it today, preferably.
>>>We need to have a nomcom as soon as possible.
>>>Meanwhile the discussion on the issue of how and why of rotation
>>>can go on, and the nomcom can pick up the sense of the group from
>>>these discussions, and if they wish engage directly with the group
>>>for clarifications. Meanwhile, I will try to evoke discussions on
>>>key issues and information that are important for the nomcom to
>>>achieve its purpose.
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