[governance] workshop deadline: April 30
parminder at itforchange.net
Tue Mar 25 09:11:07 EDT 2008
> Roughly put they are
> - cross-country jurisdiction issues in IG
> - Commercial or welfare-based nature of the Internet -
> Implications for IG
These were very roughly put, from what I remember of the discussions and I
request those who originally proposed/ discussed them to proposed titles and
also flesh out the proposals.
I already have an offlist suggestion that the title of the second proposal
above be changed to
"Coexistence of commercial and non-profit spaces on the Internet
-- implications for IG"
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Parminder [mailto:parminder at itforchange.net]
> Sent: Tuesday, March 25, 2008 6:20 PM
> To: governance at lists.cpsr.org
> Subject: RE: [governance] workshop deadline: April 30
> As proposed earlier I do think we should submit a few strong proposals...
> I had given a call for IGC sponsored workshop proposals on 12th March. We
> have little time left to the 30th, so lets get on with it.
> At this stage I think we should just send the proposals in, and try to get
> co-sponsors a little later (would it not work that way, Adam and other MAG
> members?)
> We saw discussions on two possible topics, in the last few weeks (pl point
> out if any other has figured, and I haven't mentioned it here)
> Roughly put they are
> - cross-country jurisdiction issues in IG
> - Commercial or welfare-based nature of the Internet -
> Implications for IG
> And we do certainly want to make our last year's workshop on 'role and
> mandate of the IGF' into an annual affair.
> And as Adam suggests, the issues we proposed in Feb for main themes can be
> rehashed as IGC sponsored workshops. These are
> 1. Enhanced Cooperation - What Was Meant By the Tunis Agenda, and What Is
> the Status of It
> 2. Network Neutrality - Ensuring Openness in All Layers of the Internet
> 3. A Development Agenda for Internet Governance
> 4. Transparency and Inclusive Participation in Internet Governance
> (detailed text as per caucus's consensus statement to Feb consultations is
> given below)
> Parminder
> 1. Enhanced Cooperation - What Was Meant By the Tunis Agenda, and What Is
> the Status of It
> Tunis Agenda speaks of the need for 'enhanced cooperation' for global
> Internet policy making. There are different views about what exactly is
> meant by this term, and what processes will/ can constitute 'enhanced
> cooperation'. IGF is the right forum to deliberate on the meaning and
> possibilities of this term, through wide participation of all stakeholders
> in the multi-stakeholder spirit of the WSIS. It is quite possible that
> such
> an open discussion pushes the process of 'enhanced cooperation' forward,
> which at present seems to be caught in a kind of a limbo, or at least some
> degree of confusion.
> 2. Network Neutrality - Ensuring Openness in All Layers of the Internet
> Network neutrality has been an important architectural principle for the
> Internet. This principle is under considerable challenge as Internet
> becomes
> the mainstream communication platform for almost all business and social
> activities. These challenges are most manifest in the physical layer, but
> also increasingly in the content and application layers. This session will
> examine the implication of this principle, and its possible evolutionary
> interpretations, for Internet policy in different areas.
> 3. A Development Agenda for Internet Governance
> Development is a key focus of the Tunis Agenda and its mandate for the
> IGF.
> Development also was listed as a cross-cutting theme of the Athens and Rio
> conferences, but neither featured a main session that devoted significant,
> focused attention to the linkages between Internet governance mechanisms
> and
> development. However, at Rio a workshop was organized by civil society
> actors in collaboration with the Swiss Office of Communications and other
> partners from all stakeholder groupings on, "Toward a Development Agenda
> for
> Internet Governance." The workshop considered the options for
> establishing
> a holistic program of analysis and action that would help mainstream
> development considerations into Internet governance decision making
> processes.
> Attendees at this workshop expressed strong interest in further work on
> the
> topic being pursued in the IGF. Hence, we believe the Development Agenda
> concept should be taken up in a main session at Hyderabad, and that this
> would be of keen interest to a great many participants there. We also
> support the Swiss government's proposal to consider establishing a
> multi-stakeholder Working Group that could develop recommendations to the
> IGF on a development agenda.
> 4. Transparency and Inclusive Participation in Internet Governance
> The WSIS principles hold that Internet governance processes "should be
> multilateral, transparent and democratic, with the full involvement of
> governments, the private sector, civil society and international
> organizations." Governments invoked these principles throughout the WSIS
> process, and in the Tunis Agenda mandated the IGF to, "promote and assess,
> on an ongoing basis, the embodiment of WSIS principles in Internet
> Governance processes." Nevertheless, the IGF has not held any follow-up
> discussion on how to pursue this key element of its mandate. The Internet
> Governance Caucus has consistently advocated programmatic activity in this
> arena, and hence welcomes the Swiss government's statement that
> implementation of the WSIS principles should be added as a cross-cutting
> issue at the core of all IGF discussions. To help kick-start that
> cross-cutting consideration, we propose that a main session in Hyderabad
> concentrate on two WSIS principles of general applicability for which
> progress in implementation can be most readily
> assessed: transparency, and inclusive participation. The session could
> consider patterns of practice across Internet governance mechanisms, and
> identify generalizable lessons concerning good or best practices.
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: Adam Peake [mailto:ajp at glocom.ac.jp]
> > Sent: Tuesday, March 25, 2008 5:37 PM
> > To: governance at lists.cpsr.org
> > Subject: [governance] workshop deadline: April 30
> >
> > Deadline for the submission of proposals for workshops, best practice
> > forums and open forums is 30 April 2008. Not many weeks away. Details
> > in the MAG meeting report
> >
> <http://www.intgovforum.org/Feb_igf_meeting/MAG.Summary.28.02.2008.v2.pdf>
> > and most of the relevant information copied below.
> >
> > Issues the caucus recommended in contributions for the last
> > consultation have not all be included. It would not hurt to quickly
> > re-submit those comments (amended to take account of the MAG's
> > report).
> >
> > Again, if you organized a workshop in Rio and have not yet submitted
> > a report, please do so. (about 80 events in Rio and
> > <http://www.intgovforum.org/rio_reports/rio_reports.html> not many
> > have submitted a report, which if anyone really cares about the IGF
> > producing outcomes, is a bit silly.)
> >
> > Adam
> >
> >
> >
> > Draft Programme Outline
> >
> > General programming principles:
> > * Two days with general themes and main sessions focused on specific
> > issues and not general overviews.
> > * Some workshops could be held on themes defined by the MAG (main
> > workshops), but organized by others who respond to a call for
> > proposals.
> > * Main workshops, which are linked to the main sessions and workshops
> > on the four Athens themes, are not to be held in parallel to main
> > sessions.
> > * Other workshops may be held in parallel to the main sessions,
> > depending on the quantity and quality of the proposals.
> > * All organizers of events (workshops, best practices etc) will be
> > asked to commit themselves to submit a report on their event.
> > Non-submission of a report will disqualify the organizer for the
> > following year.
> > * Preference will be given in 2008 to those who did submit a report
> > for 2007. (Submission of reports is still possible and encouraged.)
> > * No official meetings starting after 1800 hours.
> > * No official meetings during the lunch-break between 1300-1400 hours.
> > * Further efforts will be made to enable remote participation
> > * Efforts will be made to publish the proceedings of the meeting also
> > in other formats.
> >
> > 3 December
> > Curtain raiser, tutorials, workshops Opening ceremony/Opening session
> >
> > 4 December
> > Theme:
> > Universalization of the Internet - How to reach the next billion
> > (alternate title: Expanding the Internet)
> > 1100 - 1300: Low cost sustainable access
> > 1400 - 1600: Multilingualization
> > 1630 - 1830: Implications for development policy
> >
> > Host Country Reception
> >
> > 5 December
> > Theme: Managing the Internet (alternate title: Using the Internet)
> > 1100 - 1300: Critical Internet resources
> > 1400 - 1600: Arrangements for Internet governance
> > 1630 - 1830: Global cooperation for Internet security and stability
> >
> > 6 December
> > 0900 - 1100: Taking stock and the way forward
> > 1130 - 1300: Debate
> > 1400 - 1600: Emerging issues
> > 1630 - 1800: Closing Ceremony
> >
> > Notes from the discussion:
> >
> > The discussion on the two schedules and on possible topics took on
> > the character of a brain storming session that would provide a
> > starting point for discussion in the MAG and the wider IGF community.
> >
> > Some of the points that were brought out include:
> > * The planning for 2008 should take into account the Chairman's
> > Summary of the Rio meeting and look at the lessons learned and issues
> > raised in the previous meetings.
> > * Possible focused topics for "Low cost sustainable access" could
> > include the role of entrepreneurship in providing low cost
> > sustainable access with a special focus on entrepreneurship and
> > India's success.
> > * The scope of "Managing the Internet" topic could focus on
> > international, national or local management of the Internet or the
> > relationship among the three levels.
> > * Possible focused topics for "Critical Internet resources" include:
> > * Enabling growth and innovation
> > * Capacity building
> > * The role of public private partnership in managing the Internet
> > * Transition from IPv4 to IPv6
> > * Governance issues in promoting the adoption of IPv6
> > * Topics beyond IP addressing
> > * Possible Debate topics:
> > * IPR and innovation for development
> > * Privacy and protection of children
> > * Relationship between security and privacy
> > * The "Taking Stock and the Way Forward" session could include an
> > evaluation of the IGF in regard to its mandate
> >
> > * Other comments:
> > * Freedom of Expression should have a dedicated session, though there
> > was a question whether the IGF was the appropriate forum to discuss
> > this issue.
> > * Should the topic on innovations be discussed under
> > * Emerging Issues
> > * Universalization of the Internet.
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