[governance] IGC nominees for MAG

Qusai Al-Shatti qshatti at safat.kisr.edu.kw
Sat Mar 15 11:54:34 EDT 2008

Dear all,

On the issue of reconstituting the MAG, I would like to continue my work in it and I would like to support the continuation of all my colleagues from the IGC to work in it who, in my opinion, maintained the overall position of the IGC, worked to preserve the interest of civil society and expressed civil society points of view in all MAG activities. However, I am committed to any rotation process agreed on by the caucus members.

In that regard, I would like the caucus to continue its commitment to its statement during the IGF open consultation process last February which supported the rotation of 1/3 of the MAG across all stakeholders group. We should also take into consideration that we are not the only civil society group that will forward its nominations to the SG for the new MAG. 
So far the caucus has different views on the nomination process. I find that reselecting the whole group representing the IGC caucus is somehow contradictory to the caucus statement last February.

Furthermore, we are looking at rotation process as of it is within the caucus, but in fact it is within the MAG and the UN SG is the person who will handle the rotation. In this regard I would like to refer to two statements made earlier by:

1. Adam Peaks: “as we believe CS is under represented I hope we can also make the case for additional CS members, how we argue that will be important (I hope on the merits of civil society's contributions to WSIS and the IGF, as the largest group of participants at the meetings, and substantive contributors to workshops and other events, rather than arguing some other group has too many.)"

2. William Drake: ”These criteria, if followed, would suggest that we cannot take the path of least resistence and simply resubmit the names previously agreed but that were not selected last time. So we just need to identify 2-3 new, active, diverse, travel-enabled saints from the IGC."

Coupling these statements with the facts that we are not the only CS group that will submit nominations and that the one third rotation is within the MAG rather than within the caucus representatives (and it will be conducted by the UN SG), I find Supporting the membership continuation of the current IGC representatives in the MAG (unless some of them voluntary will step down) adding to them 3 (or more) new nominations will be a proper and practical option that will not contradict with caucus position in supporting the 1/3 rotation of the MAG members.

The selection of the new nominations should be done by the noncom based on the first criteria that was made initially that is:

* Must be active civil society participants
* Should be at least 2 from each of the 5 geographical regions if possible
* Should attempt to achieve gender balance
* Should include as much diversity as possible; e.g. for skill and  knowledge set, age, disability, etc.
* Should include people who have shown commitment to keeping CS updated on developments
* Should be people who have shown ability to lobby governments in  order to help achieve CS positions


Qusai Al-Shatti

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