[governance] User input to Internet architecture work
Phil Regnauld
pr+governance at x0.dk
Mon Mar 3 07:32:38 EST 2008
Carlos Afonso (ca) writes:
> A question for the ones engaged in this interesting thread: is there an
> Internet space (a Web site or similar) which is trying to consolidate and
> report regularly on the progress of IPv4->IPv6 transition? I know there are
> real tests being done in several countries, in large networks, and
> occasional ones, all bringing interesting conclusions (and best practices),
> but I have so far not found a space which gives us a vision of the whole
> process -- in my view, a great need for the ones preparing to (or fearing
> to) "migrate".
> Please note I am not talking about inner techie spaces, but something a
> journalist or a decision-maker (who is not a network techie) can read and
> understand. There is the IPv6 European Task Force portal (www.ipv6tf.org)
> which does something along the lines I am talking about. Is this *the* site
> people should be visiting?
There is no single site. There is no single transition. There, is
fact, no real transition to speak of. IPv4 and IPv6 will coexist
for a long time, as they are two different network protocols on the
wire. How far is the transition ? To answer that question you'd have
to actually be able to measure the amount of readyness of every internet-
IPv4 connected organisation out there, with regards to IPv6. This means:
- applications
- clients
- networks
(that's very much simplified).
If you want to get started, you're still stuck with reading
what are mostly technical resources such as:
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