[governance] Rights workshop

linda misek-falkoff ldmisekfalkoff at gmail.com
Tue Jun 10 13:14:30 EDT 2008

Dear Lisa and hi All:

It's great to see such structural and thematic elements of  *'rights'
approaches* coming into focus - for which  discourse many thanks.

Relatedly, in discussion at the recent 18th convening of "Computers,
Freedom, and Privacy"  - Yale Law School / Assoc. for Computing Machinery -
'sidebar' discussion took note of the dual: "*rights and duties*."

One take on this frequent coupling is that when X (group or individual)
wants or has rights, duties also attach.

Another  view is that when X claims or has rights, others have duties toward

Both views and others seeme mutually compatible, just different dimensions
and points of entry.

Can we now gather and explore *links* to existing or "in the works"
documents (instruments) asserting rights in the Internet Governance
context(s), link to (access them, and examine together communally how rights
and duties (or responsibilities) appear to play out in them? In principle
and in proposed or achieved actions?

This sharing and discussion can be a rich  database of links or
documents-proper to spring much interesting discussion, here on the list and
/ or at the next IGF.

With best wishes and looking forward to more posts,

Dr. Linda D. Misek-Falkoff.
For I.D.:
*Respectful Interfaces* Programme of the Communications Coordination
Committee.for the U.N.;
Netizsen ARPANet forward; other affiliations on Request.

On Tue, Jun 10, 2008 at 10:03 AM, Lisa Horner <lisa at global-partners.co.uk>

> Hi
> This is an issue we're currently looking at under the banner of the Freedom
> of Expression Project (looking at the comms environment as a whole, but
> obviously internet governance is a huge part of that).  The TACD rights
> charter is great, covering the same kinds of issues as our project policy
> principles and the APC rights charter.  I agree that there's important work
> to be done in reaching out to consumers groups around IG issues, and a
> strong presence at the IGF would be beneficial.
> We're working closely with the Consumers Union in the US, and through them
> with other groups who are members of TACD (Public Knowledge, EFF, Epic etc),
> and with Consumers International.  I've just come back from the US national
> conference for media reform where lots of IG issues (net neutrality,
> filtering etc) are on the agenda.  These are often looked at through the
> lens of consumer rights, which seems to have greater resonance than human
> rights in many arenas.  We're looking at ways of bridging the gap between
> consumer rights and human rights in ways that can strengthen the two
> movements and the influence they have on communications policy.
> It'd be great to hear from anyone doing work in this area, or from any
> consumers groups on this list.
> Thanks,
> Lisa
> Lisa Horner
> Head of Research and Policy Unit
> Global Partners and Associates
> 4th Floor Holborn Gate, 26 Southampton Buildings, London, WC2A 1AH
> Office: + 44 207 861 3960          Mobile: +44 7867 795859
> lisa at global-partners.co.uk <mailto:lisa at global-partners.co.uk>
> www.global-partners.co.uk <
> http://server.global-partners.co.uk/exchweb/bin/redir.asp?URL=http://www.global-partners.co.uk/
> >
> ________________________________
> From: karen banks [mailto:karenb at gn.apc.org]
> Sent: Mon 09/06/2008 08:45
> To: governance at lists.cpsr.org; William Drake; Governance
> Subject: Re: [governance] Rights workshop
> hi bill
> [...
>        There are a number of initiatives addressing rights issues in
> relation to the Internet. Several organisations have developed frameworks
> and charters (APC's Internet rights charter, the CRIS Framework, the Freedom
> of Expression project's Principles document to name but a few) that map
> existing rights in the context of the Internet and propose possible rights
> based approaches.
>        No TACD. Folks who are spearheading this proposal might want to
> reach out to them...?
> yes - i can update anna fielder (the TACD rep on the OECD civil society
> coord group) on the proposal -  consumer rights groups in general are not
> very involved in ICT policy work or IG work.. but we've started to address
> this in outreaching to consumers union and consumers international around
> access to broadband
> robert guerra kindly introduced me to canadian CU groups which i haven't
> followed up on
> it would be good if all workshop proponents - and the caucus in general -
> look at how we can bring the consumer rights groups into the IGF more
> generally..
> karen
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