[governance] [process] the IGC charter

wcurrie at apc.org wcurrie at apc.org
Mon Jul 14 12:55:29 EDT 2008

Hi all

I indicated to Parminder that I support the Charter but I do agree with Bill that we should conduct the election in terms of the Charter without disenfranchising anyone.

I do think we need to find a way to both maintain the vigorous debate on the list as well as create a more effective method of finding consensus on key issues in the global policy space from a broadly civil society perspective. I sometimes wonder if it is possible to use a list to find consensus on contested positions, but as Wolfgang's history of the IGC reminds us iit has and can be done.

I would support trying to explore this issue of consensus-building after the election and I think we should choose the person who we believe  will  be the most effective in building consensus in the IGC when it is required to engage with global policy spaces, some of which as Wolfgang identified are coming up in 2009.

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