[governance] ISP liability - a critical IG issue
Jeffrey A. Williams
jwkckid1 at ix.netcom.com
Tue Jul 8 04:23:13 EDT 2008
Roland and all,
Several amendments were argued today in the senate. Check
C-Span for details.
Roland Perry wrote:
> In message <48735D53.2000100 at googlemail.com>, at 09:28:03 on Tue, 8 Jul
> 2008, Daniel Oppermann <dan.oppermann at gmail.com> writes
> >European politicians have voted in favour of amendments to telecoms law
> >which campaigners say could be used to curb privacy online and
> >file-sharing.
> >
> >http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/technology/7495085.stm
> Frankly, there's such a big disconnect between the various claims here
> that we should take a step back and wait for the dust to settle.
> How can the same measure be intended to enhance emergency service access
> to caller location data *and* also implement a "three strikes" rule?
> All I can guess at this stage (understandably I haven't had time to read
> all the 1000+ individual amendments, nor do I yet know which ones passed
> and which didn't) is that being able to locate mobile Internet users
> makes it easier to send them a "cease and desist" letter (assuming the
> private sector gets access to the same data as the emergency services)?
> Or have I got the wrong end of the wrong stick?
> --
> Roland Perry
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