[governance] Kremlin eyes internet control ...
linda misek-falkoff
ldmisekfalkoff at gmail.com
Thu Jan 10 10:08:42 EST 2008
Thank you for direction to this (your) encyclopedic website.
Inadvertant / Incidental reference of course [ ;) ] but a real boon to the
Best wishes, LDMF.
Linda D. Misek-Falkoff
*Respectful Interfaces*.
On 1/3/08, David Goldstein <goldstein_david at yahoo.com.au> wrote:
> Hi all,
> For those who haven't seen the report, The Guardian reported in the last
> couple of days of Russia's desire "for greater control over the
> Russian-language part of the net - and its
> aim seems to be to create a web that operates in Cyrillic, completely
> independent from the wider web." See:
> Kremlin eyes internet control ...
> The growing cold war with Russia has a new front besides oil fields and
> undersea territorial claims: the internet. Russia's government is pushing
> for greater control over the Russian-language part of the net - and its aim
> seems to be to create a web that operates in Cyrillic, completely
> independent from the wider web.
> The problem for Russia is that its top-level domain - with the ASCII
> suffix .ru - translates into Cyrillic as .py, the domain name of Paraguay.
> That could pose security problems for Russian users. Kim Davies, who
> controls the domain names at the international domain naming agency Icann
> told the Guardian: "Russia has a second top level domain name of .ru in
> Ascii code, but is pushing for .rf in Cyrillic."
> http://www.guardian.co.uk/technology/2008/jan/03/internet.censorship
> Of course, those who check out my website will have already seen the link
> (shameless self promotion I know!). See http://technewsreview.com.au/
> Cheers
> David
> ---------
> David Goldstein
> address: 4/3 Abbott Street
> email: Goldstein_David @yahoo.com.au
> phone: +61 418 228 605 (mobile); +61 2 9665 5773 (home)
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