[governance] CSTD briefing note and provisional programme of work
CONGO WSIS - Philippe Dam
wsis at ngocongo.org
Wed Feb 27 12:53:21 EST 2008
Dear all,
Find attached the briefing note and provisional programme of work of the
CSTD circulated during yesterdays briefing. An annotated agenda might be
circulated soon. According to this draft PoW, there might be between 2½ or 3
days devoted to WSIS follow up activities. As announced earlier today, it
seems the CSTD Secretariat might be open for comments and suggestions
regarding this timetable and the way the timetable is presented.
Note that some written contributions received so far from international
organisations and regional commissions are already posted on the CSTD-XI
webpage: http://www.unctad.org/Templates/meeting.asp?intItemID=1942
&lang=1&m=15018 (click on contributions).
Other written contributions, including from CS and other actors, will be
added on that page.
I forgot to mention my previous summary that two Rooms will be made
available at the Palais des Nations during the CSTD session for lunchtime
side events. Last year, the Global Information Society Watch 2007 Report was
launched during such a side event. This possibility is continuing for the
2008 CSTD session.
De : CONGO - Philippe Dam [mailto:wsis at ngocongo.org]
Envoyé : mercredi, 27. février 2008 14:05
À : governance at lists.cpsr.org; 'Virtual WSIS CS Plenary Group Space';
gov at wsis-gov.org
Cc : philippe.dam at ngocongo.org; congo at ngocongo.org
Objet : RE: [governance] Briefing with secretariat of the CSTD - today, 2 to
3 pm, Room XXVII
Dear all,
Some very preliminary bullet points summarizing the Briefing with the CSTD
Secretariat which took place yesterday:
- The CSTD members will have two substantive documents on issues
related to WSIS follow-up: 1. the normal report of the UN SG to the CSTD,
consisting of a 17-page summary of reports from Action Line facilitators; 2.
A WSIS 2008 Report, compiled by the CSTD Secretariat, consisting of a more
elaborated description of recent developments and trends. A first
preliminary outline of this second document might be circulated on that list
next week, and the Secretariat insisted on its intention to welcome written
input from CS entities and other actors.
- The CSTD secretariat circulated a briefing note on the CSTD 11th
Session containing a provisional program of work of the 11th session (to be
circulated shortly). It would be completed by an annotated agenda. Comments
and suggestions from civil society are welcome.
- APC recalled the previous proposition of having a
multi-stakeholder advisory group to help preparing the content of the CSTD
sessions in advance, by providing advice to the CSTD Bureau and Secretariat
when necessary. It was recognised that the inclusion of a civil society and
a private sector liaison in the governmental e-list was a step ahead. The
CSTD Secretariat asked for more details on the proposition of a
multi-stakeholder group.
- Some discussion took place on how to attract mobilization of CS
and other actors around information society processes at the UN: the ideas
of having a yearly Information Society Forum, as a shorter and more visible
version of the current cluster of event, and of clustering Action Line
facilitation meetings were evoked. It could also be explored whether the
high level ministerial review of ECOSOC could focus in 2010 on issues
related to the WSIS follow up.
Anything I missed?
More information on these points coming soon.
De : CONGO - Philippe Dam [mailto:wsis at ngocongo.org]
Envoyé : mardi 26 février 2008 11:13
À : governance at lists.cpsr.org; 'Virtual WSIS CS Plenary Group Space';
gov at wsis-gov.org
Cc : philippe.dam at ngocongo.org; congo at ngocongo.org
Objet : [governance] Briefing with secretariat of the CSTD - today, 2 to 3
pm, Room XXVII
Importance : Haute
Dear all,
This is to confirm the briefing meeting with the CTSD Secretariat taking
place today between 2.00 pm and 3.00 pm.
The venue will be in Room XXVII (first floor).
[The room is sometimes hard to find: it is located in the same floor as the
Serpentine bar. Take the corridor at the left of room XXVI, and then youll
find room XVII.]
De : CONGO - Philippe Dam [mailto:wsis at ngocongo.org]
Envoyé : vendredi 22 février 2008 18:01
À : wsis at ngocongo.org; 'Virtual WSIS CS Plenary Group Space';
governance at lists.cpsr.org; gov at wsis-gov.org
Cc : philippe.dam at ngocongo.org; congo at ngocongo.org
Objet : [governance] Briefing for CS with secretariat of the CSTD - 26 Feb.
Dear all,
This is to inform you that the CSTD Secretariat will arrange some time for a
briefing with Civil Society on the preparations towards the up coming 11th
session of the Commission on Science and Technology for Development (CSTD,
26-30 May 2008). This briefing will take place, such as last year, during
the lunchtime period of the IGF Preparatory meeting.
Date: 26 February 2008
Time: 14:00-15:00
Venue: UN Palais des Nations, room number to be confirmed
More information shortly.
De : plenary-bounces at wsis-cs.org [mailto:plenary-bounces at wsis-cs.org] De la
part de CONGO WSIS - Philippe Dam
Envoyé : vendredi 15 février 2008 18:42
À : plenary at wsis-cs.org; governance at lists.cpsr.org; gov at wsis-gov.org
Cc : philippe.dam at ngocongo.org; congo at ngocongo.org
Objet : [WSIS CS-Plenary] Preparation of the 11th session of the CSTD(26-30
May 2008)
Dear all,
This is a short series of updates regarding the preparations towards the
next session of the UN Commission on Science and Technology for Development.
Some funding available for civil society participants
A small number of fellowships will be made available for civil society
participants from developing countries. More information on the exact number
of fellowship and process for attribution will be made available in the
course of March 2008.
CS participation in the UN CSTD
The CSTD Secretariat is willing to engage into a dialogue with NGOs on how
to increase the attractiveness of the CTSD annual session. Some elements can
be contained in the informal written contribution that CONGO sent to the
CSTD Intersession Panel (November 2007, see here
sion_panel_v_2.doc> ).
In addition to the issue of a common understanding of the multi-stakeholder
approach in the CSTD and the modalities for CS involvement, we should
probably think of looking at the general format and content of the CSTD
session, as well as the nature of its outcome, its follow up and its
On line preparation for the upcoming 11th session
The CSTD Secretariat just set up a mailing listserv opened to its Member
States, and included me at CONGO and a representative of the ICC as part of
this mailing list. (CONGO was included in the listserv without previous
notification so that we could not liaise with you beforehand.)
The three points put on for the discussion include:
- 1. How to improve the impact of the Commission at national,
regional and international levels;
- 2. How to strike a balance between the Commission's new and
traditional mandates;
- 3. Organization of work for the 11th session of the CSTD.
I will be happy to compile without altering your comments on these 3 sets of
issues and forward it to this CSTD members listserv.
Note that the provisional agenda of the CSTD 11th session is attached to
this e-mail. Basically, the three main issues for discussion will be:
- review of the progress made in the implementation of, and
follow-up to the outcomes of WSIS at regional and international levels;
- substantive theme on WSIS follow up: Development-oriented
policies for socio-economic inclusive information society, including access,
infrastructure and an enabling environment
- substantive theme on science and technology mandate: Science,
technology and engineering for innovation and capacity-building in education
and research
More information coming soon.
Philippe Dam
CONGO - Information Society &
Human Rights Coordinator
11, Avenue de la Paix
CH-1202 Geneva
Tel: +41 22 301 1000
Fax: +41 22 301 2000
E-mail: <mailto:wphilippe.dam at ngocongo.org> philippe.dam at ngocongo.org
Website: <blocked::http://www.ngocongo.org> www.ngocongo.org
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