AW: [governance] IGC members meeting in Geneva
Kleinwächter, Wolfgang
wolfgang.kleinwaechter at
Sat Feb 23 07:04:59 EST 2008
Good proposal. I will join the reading team.
Von: Adam Peake [mailto:ajp at]
Gesendet: Sa 23.02.2008 10:56
An: governance at
Betreff: RE: [governance] IGC members meeting in Geneva
can we find people to read the statements in the
morning (think best if MAG members sit and
listen) and then we can make broader responses in
the afternoon after talking at lunchtime?
>Bill (and others)
>Yes, I agree that pre-consultation morning
>meeting is difficult with all the time needed to
>be spent at the security office. But lets do a
>bit of OEcluster together¹ before the meeting,
>while meeting other people we may be meeting. A
>quick discussion about the day, and stuff. We
>can have a longer meeting as you suggest at
>lunch time. Parminder
>From: William Drake [mailto:william.drake at]
>Sent: Saturday, February 23, 2008 1:25 PM
>To: Singh, Parminder; Governance
>Subject: Re: [governance] IGC members meeting in Geneva
>I meant to ask about whether we are doing a
>meeting and if locals should secure a room
>during the lunch hour, but amidst all the
>ontological debates forgot, sorry.
>I wouldn¹t count on a 9am meeting working too
>well. Unless everyone commits to getting up
>rather early to be first in line, most people
>will be standing outside the security office
>waiting to get badges, will show up late at
>varying times, etc. People could just cluster
>outside the meeting room door when they arrive
>for some brief coordination re: the consultation
>itself, if needed. But if we want to have a
>broader discussion about caucus affairs that
>won¹t work then.
>Probably too late now, but if there¹s critical
>mass Philippe or I could at least inquire about
>a lunchtime meeting room. It is also often
>possible to simply squat in one of the smaller
>meeting rooms on the first floor since
>governments don¹t do working lunches in these
>parts, but if some overly rule-oriented guard
>notices we might have to evacuate to the lounge
>etc. Or we could just grab a table at the back
>of the cafeteria, usually possible. Don¹t know
>how many people are coming, whether that¹d work
>logistically, acoustically...
>BTW on caucus interventions, it might be
>sensible aesthetically to have someone else (not
>me) read at least one of the three statements,
>no? Or do we want to look like CS is top down,
>centralized, blah blah blah...
>On 2/23/08 7:57 AM, "Parminder" <parminder at> wrote:
>Can all those from the IGC who are traveling to
>Geneva for IGF consultations meet briefly before
>the consultations start at 10. May be at 9. Any
>suggestions for a meeting place. Parminder
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