[governance] December 2008 IGC Election Results

Adam Peake ajp at glocom.ac.jp
Mon Dec 22 06:51:59 EST 2008

Derrick, thanks for running the election process.

Ginger, congratulations!

Parminder, also thanks for all your work. Nice to disagree with you 
sometimes, and to admit I was wrong about enhanced cooperation, thank 
you for persuading everyone it should be on the Hyderabad agenda.



At 5:34 AM -0500 12/22/08, Derrick L. Cogburn wrote:
>Dear Colleagues,
>It is my pleasure to report the results of the December 2008 
>Election of the Civil Society Internet Governance Caucus.  With 89 
>votes cast, we have the following result:
>Ginger Paque (55.06%, n=49)
>Sivasubramanian Muthusamy (19.10%, n=17)
>None of the Above (16.85%, n=15)
>Asif Kabani (8.99%, n=8)
>My hearty congratulations go out to Ginger Paque, our new 
>co-coordinator, and to all those that participated in the election. 
>In terms of voting participation, we had a 22% response rate and 
>slightly less overall voter participation than in the last election 
>I will maintain all data in confidence until after the appeal 
>deadline, and then delete it.
>Kindest regards,
>Prof. Derrick L. Cogburn
>School of Information Studies
>and Moynihan Institute of Global Affairs
>Maxwell School of Citizenship & Public Affairs
>Syracuse University
>346 Hinds Hall
>Syracuse, NY 13244-4100
>Phone: +1.315.443.5441
>Fax: +1.315.443.6886
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