[governance] Open Consultation on the Cluster of WSIS-Related Events 2009, 15 September 2008 Geneva
CONGO - Martin Wolf Andersen
wsis at ngocongo.org
Fri Aug 29 13:23:26 EDT 2008
Open Consultation on the Cluster of WSIS-Related Events 2009, 15 September 2008, Geneva
The Consultation on the Cluster of WSIS-Related Events 2009 is to follow up on the outcomes of the third meeting of WSIS Action Line Facilitators, 23 May 2008. It is open to all stakeholders. Registration and badge requests are possible online as of 30 August 2008. The event will take place at the ITU Headquaters, Geneva, Room B. More information and background documentation can be obtained here <http://www.itu.int/wsis/implementation/consultations.html> .
Any written contributions/position papers may be submitted prior to the meeting and will be posted on the WSIS website. Such submissions should be directed to wsis-info at itu.int and beatrice.pluchon at itu.int.
Best regards,
Martin Wolf Andersen
Geneva Team
International Secretariat Management Team
Conference of NGOs (CONGO)
Avenue de la Paix 11
CH-1202 Geneva, Switzerland
T: +41 22 301 1000
F: +41 22 301 2000
The Conference of NGOs (CONGO) is an international membership association that facilitates the participation of NGOs in United Nations debates and decisions. Founded in 1948, CONGO's major objective is to ensure the presence of NGOs in exchanges among the world's governments and United Nations agencies on issues of global concern.
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