[governance] co-coordinator election results

Parminder parminder at itforchange.net
Wed Aug 20 06:58:40 EDT 2008

Hi All


I am sharing as enclosed, the election report sent by Dr Derrick Cogburn of
the Center for Research on Collaboratories and Technology Enhanced Learning
Communities (Cotelco) at Syracuse University. 


It indicates 100 voters with the results as


Ian Peter (76%, n=76)

David Goldstein (14%, n=14)

None of the Above (10%, n=10)


One person informed me after the voting that she did not receive the ballot,
but as per our records we had sent it. However, I am added her to the voters
list with her vote as 'none of the above', since in any case her vote would
not change the result. Though the voter I am adding now is already on the
members list, adding her name to the list of voters in this election ensures
she has a right to vote in case of a charter amendment process. 


So the final tally as recorded is


Ian Peter (n=76)

David Goldstein (n=14)

None of the Above (n=11)

Total votes - 101


Out of those who voted in this elections, after asserting membership, 13 are
new members of the IGC and after adding them to the present 127, the total
number of IGC members will go up to 140. Among them, the 101 who voted in
the election will have the special added right to cast votes in case of any
charter amendment process.


This number is considerably larger than the number that voted in last
election, which was 47. Therefore we have a good electorate of 101 for any
charter amendment process that may be required, and a good membership of 140
for all other caucus processes that are membership-based. The total IGC
listserv subscription appears to be 342 (though there seems to be a very
high bounce rate and this figure may need to be corrected).


 It will take me a few days to bring out the list of those who voted in this
election because I have to match email ids with names. As suggested by
Carlos, I will also attempt an analysis by gender, geography etc. 


Thanks everybody.





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