[governance] co-coordinator election results

Parminder parminder at itforchange.net
Tue Aug 19 07:08:05 EDT 2008

Hi All


I have the election results with me. I first of all thank Derrick Cogburn on
IGC's behalf for administering the election process for us, so smoothly. I
also thank David Goldstein and Ian Peter who responded to the call to
volunteer for co-coordinatorship.


Ian Peter got more votes, and I request him to take up as the co-coordinator
of the IG Caucus, with immediate effect.  


Congrats Ian, and welcome.


As Ian takes up the job, Vittorio Bertola ceases to be a co-coordinator. I
thank Vittorio on the behalf of the group for outstanding work done in this
capacity. We all highly appreciate his skills and leadership in managing
this group's various activities.  




PS: One hundred members voted in the election. I will a file a report on the
election process with full results in a day or two.

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