[governance] Letter to the MAG on visibility of 'rights

Roland Perry roland at internetpolicyagency.com
Fri Aug 15 09:00:51 EDT 2008

In message 
<d8bd2dac0808141351w77aac212g8a7bbf6a1c68c7a7 at mail.gmail.com>, at 
14:51:36 on Thu, 14 Aug 2008, Jaco Aizenman <skorpio at gmail.com> writes
>Yes, IGF can not do that, but may be it can consider having 
>pointers/links to the already "Internet Bill of Rights" ("fundamental 
>right") operational (Germany), or in process (Costa Rica).

The IGF can't because it doesn't have a suitable platform. Perhaps the 
IGF Secretariat could, but then it becomes a sort of "Wikipedia for 
Governance issues" and would need to have links (for example) to lawful 
intercept policies in various countries too. It's a huge project, and 
not necessarily one that it was set up to deliver.
Roland Perry
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