[governance] Re: USG on ICANN - no movement here

Parminder parminder at itforchange.net
Sun Aug 10 13:38:28 EDT 2008

> >
> >The "some' governments protesting ICANN's supervision by the US, from my
> >knowledge of this area, which is reasonably good, is mostly developing
> >countries.
> Nope.  This would be a very good time to stop trying to stuff straw
> men into other people's mouths.

If one says 'all the countries' or even 'the countries' protesting US
lordship on the ICANN it may include most non-US countries, because all of
them may oppose it to some level or other. However if you say 'some
governments' that protest this lordship, it would , normally in a dialogue
with a global scope, be taken to mean mostly developing countries, because
they are the clearest, strongest and most vocal opponents. I gave you some
proofs of this in my earlier email.  

It is however a very different matter if the constellation of your analysis
only considers developed countries. This is something that I did not
suspect, which, in the circumstance of the global-ness of this mailing list,
I think cant be held against me.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: John Levine [mailto:icggov at johnlevine.com]
> Sent: Sunday, August 10, 2008 9:02 PM
> To: governance at lists.cpsr.org
> Cc: parminder at itforchange.net
> Subject: Re: [governance] Re: USG on ICANN - no movement here
> >"....although there's been a certain amount of harrumphing on principle
> from
> >some governments, in reality they know that ICANN desperately needs the
> >DOC's adult supervision."
> >
> >The "some' governments protesting ICANN's supervision by the US, from my
> >knowledge of this area, which is reasonably good, is mostly developing
> >countries.
> Nope.  This would be a very good time to stop trying to stuff straw
> men into other people's mouths.
> R's,
> John
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