[governance] USG on ICANN - no movement here

Ian Peter ian.peter at ianpeter.com
Wed Aug 6 02:50:39 EDT 2008

Hi Bill,

> > Might help shift the debate a little if for the next review NTIA were to
> > hear a LOT more from proponents of change, including a fleshed out and
> > plausible scenario as to how independence would work geopolitically, why
> > there'd be no real risk of "takeover by foreign governments," how we
> could
> > have rock solid guarantees of exactly the same levels of security,
> > stability, and control in the last instance as now.   Something that
> would
> > make ITAA, DOD, et al say, hmmm...I don't think this has been done yet
> > either by ICANN or others, so expecting a leap of faith in the beltway
> seems
> > ill-advised.  Those are reserved for other issues...
> If enough people here believe this is a top priority, maybe the caucus
> could
> try to do something productive for a change and develop a compelling
> alternative and promote it in a manner that is politically salient.  Then
> maybe Milton would have a better chance of winning his $50 bet with me as
> to
> whether an Obama administration (inshallah) would do something in 9/09.
The assumption here is that a compelling argument to DOC is advanced and
they suddenly change their mind. That might work. Another possibility is for
ICANN to move offshore, restructure, set up an alternative authorisation
structure with the UN, create another A root, and then the emperor has no
clothes. Not hard to do if the will exists and ICANN really wants change.

(you might say that I'm a dreamer, but I'm not the only one.....)

Ian Peter

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